Is this Bullshit Summer Over Yet? Summer in NYC Blows

I fucking despise summer. Summer in New York is one of the most miserable experiences ever. Period. Fuckin… the worst thing is dressing up in hot ass uncomfortable business clothes every day and standing like a sardine next to smelly, filthy motherfuckers and homeless on the subway for extended amounts of time because “ladies and gentlemen, we are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us. Thank you for your patience.” What the fuck is train traffic? Its a fuckin one way rail. How does that shit get delayed? Its not like some asshole got a flat tire and blocked the road, although with how shitty the MTA is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it WAS possible for those broken down shitpile trains to get flat tires.

It’s humid, there are millions of asshole tourists walking around, getting in my way. I’m sweaty, grumpy, pissy. My trains are delayed, the office AC is not cold enough, people smell like shit, people walk too slow, I can roast a chicken on the subway platforms. Fuck this noise.

I’ve come to the realization that unless I’m at the beach, there is absolutely no reason for it to be above 55 degrees.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love and need seasons, or I’d get bored. But we all know summer is virtually over after July 4ths like some unwritten rule. Once there are no more company holidays, its all bullshit.

Viva la fall!

PS – posted this shit from my Nexus 7 and the WordPress app. If it looks shitty, my bad. Love this stupid waste of money. Also, fuck Apple.