Twitter App Updated

My Twitter stats app has been updated. You should know the URL, if not ask me for it. I’m not posting it here because my twitter is private and Google indexes this blog. If you don’t know about my Twitter app, it’s the absolute shit. It does metrics on my Tweets, counts how many times I swear, searches my archives and has a random function. Anyway, the release notes:

New features:

  • [NEW Page] @Mentions – Counts how many times I @mentioned you. This only works for people I follow.
  • [Random Tweet] Auto-Refresh – You can now check an auto-refresh checkbox that will auto-refresh the page every 3 seconds, for hands-free hilarity.


  • Fixed funky table layout not taking up the whole gray box thingy
  • Probably some other things I forgot


Yes. I’m full of myself. Suck it if you don’t like it.