Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Sucks to all You Apple Fanboys

HA! Steve Jobs misses his first event in years and what ends up happening? No iPhone 5. Just a measly iPhone 4S and a 5% drop in Apple stock. Same exact thing as the iPhone 4, but with better guts. Bahahaha, what a waste. Android already has phones with better hardware (none of which I’m a fan of, unfortunately). It’s a damn shame all of the tech blogs on my news reader are taking about this stupid ass phone like it’s the end of the world.

Fucking Apple. I can’t wait to get me a Nexus Prime. This thing better be designed to piss all over the iPhone 4S. Like… Samsung should literally not even release it until it is better.

Quick Text Pasting Windows App (Because I’m a Lazy Ass)

This is probably useless for everyone, but I couldn’t find anything on the interwebs that did what I needed, so I had to write a program to do it myself.

Basically, I have a string of text that I need to paste over and over throughout the day. I always copy this text to my clipboard, but over the course of the day, I work with a lot of images and those end up copied to my clipboard – not the string of text I need. Then I have to go back into notepad and copy it all over again, which wastes a good 15 seconds. Fuck that noise. It takes too long. I want to be able to do this with hotkeys.

So I fired up VB.NET because that’s what lazy fuckers do. I haven’t written a Windows program since 2006 when shitty assed VB6 was all the rage and .NET is different, but whatever. I can figure anything out.

So what does this thing do? You enter text in the box of the app and minimize it. The program registers a global Windows hotkey (Control Alt Z) which will copy the text from the box to the clipboard. “Well that’s damnuseless… What a stupid assed program” Nope. It saves me time from stopping what I’m doing to find the original data and manually recopy. So even if I copied something else to my clipboard, all I have to do is hit Control-Alt-Z then Control-V and BAM my original data is pasted again. #winning

Download here
(This might need .NET 4 libraries to run, but I have no clue)

USB Plugs do this to me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME…

Gotta love it… USB ports: so convenient, yet so annoying!

You know what else fits…

If the Nexus Prime Comes to Verizon, I’m Doing the Nakey Dance

Gizmodo -“Verizon doesn’t think the Samsung GALAXY S II will be competitive with the iPhone 5 when it launches,” according to their sources. So instead they’re running with the much-anticipated Nexus Prime, the first phone with Android 4.0 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich). And it’s gonna be a Verizon exclusive when it lands in October.

We all know that Verizon’s phones suck ass. Never a pure Google Android experience and they bloat it up with shit apps that are awful. I posted about it many times. Well, someone got smart over there and wants a true iPhone 5 competitor. It’s a Samsung Nexus branded phone, meaning it’s pure Google.

If this thing has Android 4.0, has a pure Google UI (not that Samsung TouchWiz shit) and is unlocked, I’ll be online like those Apply fanboy assholes.

Is HP Fucking Serious Right now?

Really HP? You buy Palm less than a year ago (acquiring WebOS for your prnters and cloud devices) and now you decide to cease operations for PCs an WebOS?

Fuckingseriously? This is a damn joke. I liked HP PCs. WebOS had no chance vs Android though… I called that when thy first bought Palm…

Fucking make me CEO of these shits…. I will make real decisions