Category: Useless Update

Gotta Blog More, Snitches

I’m a lazy fucking guy that only writes blogs about common sense and shit that pisses me off. I need to get back to it, but I’ve been in a happier mood lately, so that means fewer rants but less maerial. What are ya gonna do?


Using “Suck a Dick” In a Derogatory Way

“That application sucks a dick”
“Fuck that asshole. He can go suck a dick”

I’m intrigued. Whenever I’m pissed at something, I say “X, Y and Z can go suck a dick.” Because that’s gross. But like… Suppose you’re a slut and you like a fat dick in your mouth? Does it still mean the same? Could it be a positive thing? Like.. If you’re Skanky McSkankerson and I’m like… This thing sucks a dick.. She might be all like “oh awesome!”

Some ho enlighten me please!

It’s Not Cheating If You Bang Someone Else In Space, Right?

I’mmakingthis perfectly clear right now. If I ever get a chance to be an astronaut in space, if there’s some chick there, we’re definitely banging. Just so I can say it happened. It can’t be considered cheating, right? You’re not even on the same planet. There has to be some kind of interplanetary rule where it doesn’t count. Am I right, or am I right?
