Category: Website Related Link Buttons
Big thanks to just dnL and greenwizard88 from the middle_man forums for making me a link button for my site. They are similar and both very good. Greenwizard’s button works better on a light background site while dnL’s button works better on a dark background.
just dnL made this one:
greenwizard made this one:
If you go to the bottom of my links page, I added the buttons and html code that you can copy to your site / Xanga or whatever. Check that out here
Uploader Fixed
It’s up again – now with a nice little php script that password protects it. So yeah… Nothing else to say. You put the username and password in and use the uploader. If you have access to it, consider yourself special. Don’t forget to log out by clicking the button on the upper right corner of the uploader, especially if you are on public computers. (*cough school cough*)
Now it’s time for me to watch the Superbowl. W00t.
Edit: The script is a little funky in Internet Explorer (If you press the back button you will get a “page can not be displayed” message. To correct, just go to the main uploaderr page and log in again. Firefox keeps you logged in). How may times do I tell you children to use Firefox?? IE stinks. Oh yeah – make sure cookies are enabled. If the cookies are blocked, you’re not getting in…
Uploader Down Again
The uploader will be offline until I can write a good php password protection script to prevent the abuse that’s been occurring… I can’t put a .htpwd on the directory, because then images remotely loaded on my forums or other forums will then nag for a password. For instance, you can be on another site, but if an image was in my password protected folder, then it would ask for a password on another site – and that’s not fair. (If you don’t get what I’m saying, then forget it.) All you need to know is that I will have a simple php authentication script (aka password login box). That should do the trick.
Edit: I got the php script working. Now it’s a matter of matching the layout and adding last minute fixes.
More Site Maintainence
I updated some more stuff. I’ll start out with the boring stuff no one cares about. I got rid of a lot of useless html for my layout. Instead of having a style tag for each page, I just made one css stylesheet and made all the pages use that. It saves a lot of junk on each page and cleans it up nicely. The site will look the same
And now for the good part. I liked the links page so much that I updated the image gallery page using the same format (minus the thumbnails). The gallery was boring and had dumb text links. The image gallery itself is the same, but the main page is in the pretty new format. People are getting confused though. Just because the box highlights on mouseover does not mean it’s a link. You need to click on the actual word to use the link.
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Forums Down
March 16, 2005
Website Related
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As many have noticed the forums have been down for a few days. I cannot control this. My host messed up the mysql database login thingy and I am waiting for them to correct this issue. No data has been lost. Keep checking the main page because i’ll post when they’re back up.