Category: Website Related
This Blog is SO Much Faster Now
Ever since I moved i]this blog off my piece of shit shared host on December 1st, I’ve had 0 downtime and the response time pretty much cut in half. See where the time decreases? That is me moving this to a dedivated VPS and lighttpd instead of a shared server and Apache.
Trying Something New For December
I moved this blog over to a Virtual Private Server because my old host was being a dick. I wasn’t happy with the uptime (it would go down every night) and the response time was pretty bad. (Not that anyone actually reads this, but just saying…)
Plus, I get to ditch shared hosting and get my own Ubuntu box. Pretty sweet. Oh yeah, and I’m running Lighttpd instead of Apache.
I’m going to give this a shot for a while and see what’s better and maybe change it up. Here are November’s shitty statistics:
My Host Is a Piece of Shit
Every night from 1AM to 6AM, they do backups which completely destroy the server I’m using. I complain about it 5 times a week and they’re like “oh it ran out of memory” “oh it was the backup” “oh we made changes so it won’t happen again”
Bullshit. Every fucking night at 1AM, my website becomes useless.They’re lucky I’m too lazy to switch to another host right now. I really would like a RackSpace cloud 512MB or 1GB instance, but that shit costs too much. v3 is Live (Web Redesign, Bitches)
Bitches! The new just launched. This is redesign numero tres of site history. It’s now using HTML5 and CSS3 which brings us into the current decade (the old site blew donkey nipples). It is mimimalistic, clean and looks good.
Props and thanks to John for the new logos. It’sbasicallymy old logo, but with gradients. He also tilted the one on the bottom right. The man is a brilliant graphic designer.
I also recommend checking out my error pages, because they’re pretty ballin’ (404 and 403 and 500). I jacked the Tumbugs graphics from the dude who drew them for Tumblr, back in the day when Tumblr used to be cool and had baller error pages. Now, stupid ass Tumblr is all mainstream and got more professional, which is never fun. The dude open sourced them, so I’m allowed to use them now.
Welp, there’s nothing really useful on that site, so you can suck it if you don’t like it. I like the redesign, so that shall be all. Smell ya later, bitches
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Ah Shit, there goes 100% Uptime
January 2, 2012
Website Related
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Welp, I think the WordPress Android app crashed my cloud server, because I was writing a post from here and for no reason it was down for 11 minutes until I force rebooted it.
Fuck! I really wanted to see 100% uptime on the new host. Shitty start to 2012 over here at the blog. All else is good so far though.