Category: Website Related
Viewing This Site at School
My records indicate that someone decided to go on this website at approximately 10:30 AM this morning from a school computer. My records also show that obscene messages were posted on the message board. I have a nice idea who this person is.
Anyway, I have banned the school’s IP from my message board. Therefore, no one will be allowed to post onto that message board from any computer connected to the internet within the Eastchester Union Free School District. Try it out…
Weather Box
Due to circumstances beyond my control, the weather box that is normally located on the uppermost corner of my main page is not working. It may come back on later, but since it is on another server, I have no control. If it doesn’t come back in a week, then I will remove the weather box. So that’s why there’s a box with an x in it. (It means there’s a dead link to an image if you don’t know anything about computers…)
Screen Resolution
Don’t you hate scrolling from side to side to read my site? If so, your screen resolution is messed up. It’s not my fault that you must do that. I make this site on a computer with a screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels. If your settings are less than that, you will have to scroll. I was on a shitty computer before and realized that most people have to scroll. It actually pissed me off that some people have to scroll.
If you don’t have the slightest clue about what I’m talking about, go to this page of mine which will detect your resolution and tell you how to change it.
Click here for more screen resolution information
Anti-Cablevision Site Removed
After approximately a year and a half, my Anti-Cablevision Site has been removed from the web on October 8, 2003. During the time the site existed, it has served its many useful purposes. Now due to a lack of traffic and Cablevision’s improvements, I have decided to remove it. If it were not for that company, this website would not exist because I taught myself HTML on the other one. I came a long way, as the original site was only one page. Using all my HTML experience from there, I created this site.
Here’s some good advice… Hate something? Be a muckraker and make a very embarrassing website about it. It worked for Cablevision and why wouldn’t it work for you??
Android Annoyances Apple Apps Bad Engineering Baseball business Cablevision Chats common sense darwin awards drugs Environment Facebook FiOS Firefox Google Google Chrome Government Grammar Hicks Holiday Idi Internet Explorer Malware Metallica Money MTA net neutrality NYC Philosophy Phones Politics Pride Programs satire Science Song of the week Stupidity Torrents Verizon war Weather WordPress Yankees
Never Mess with Me
March 2, 2004
Website Related
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Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t send pranks to my site feedback thing or post prank crap on my message board. Noting gets by me. You will be caught. I successfully caught someone who sent a nice little message yesterday. Please keep in mind that I can trace it to you!