Category: Website Related
Site Trouble
If you tried to access this site in the past few days you may have noticed that it takes forever to load. The AOL servers are probably jammed and need rebooting. We’ll see how long this continues. I have removed the start up sound and some images (on this page only) to speed it up. Still, it is slow. Until I figure out what’s wrong with it, you’ll just have to deal with the slow speeds.
UPDATE 9/22/03: To fix the problem type this in your browser:
Try My Challenge
Try My Challenge (Detailed instructions Included on that page)
Boy do I have a challenge for you!! You must try to steal an animated gif image from me and boy is it hard. (I know how to do it though)
Use any method (except a screen snapshot) to do so. Try dragging the image, viewing my source, right clicking, etc. etc. Don’t spend too much time on it though because you’ll never get it. Aren’t I special??? I’ll be thoroughly impressed with those who figure it out…
Edit 3/2005: This is so easy to do now. So you’re not special anymore.
Edit 2009: Wow, I was a kid. What a stupid moron I was back then.
New Message Board
I have completely redesigned my message board because Brian was posting obscene things about SK (biology teacher) and other things that had to be deleted.
This message board is real and is not a cheap chatboard like the other one. It has many new and exciting features too!!! For example, don’t write anything stupid or else I will block your IP. Another cool feature is that I can post administrative messages. My name will appear in red, and that will be my official post. If the name is not red, the post is counterfeit.
So there!!!! Post Away
Launch Of My New Useless Site
That’s right!!!! Brand New!!!!! How Exciting!!!!!
Since I have nothing better to do then to waste my time on this site, I just put this up for no reason!!!
Android Annoyances Apple Apps Bad Engineering Baseball business Cablevision Chats common sense darwin awards drugs Environment Facebook FiOS Firefox Google Google Chrome Government Grammar Hicks Holiday Idi Internet Explorer Malware Metallica Money MTA net neutrality NYC Philosophy Phones Politics Pride Programs satire Science Song of the week Stupidity Torrents Verizon war Weather WordPress Yankees
Editing This Site
September 26, 2003
Website Related
No Comments
In case any of you are wondering what it looks like when I update my site, Here are two images of what it looks like.
This is what the main page looks like on Easy Designer
This is what it looks like when I am editing my news (what you’re reading now)
Edit 3/2005 : AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow that’s funny. What a crappy way to update. Now I’m implementing a l33t Database php post system which makes it like 943723 times easier