Tag: business

Middle Managers Basiclly Want to Kill Themselves

Nymag – In a paper published online last month in the journal Sociology of Health & Illness, they write that those in middle-management positions are more likely to suffer from depression than either their underlings or their superiors. The team, led by Columbia epidemiologist Seth J. Prins, used a pretty huge sample size for their research: more than 20,000 survey respondents gathered from full-time workers who took part in the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. From that, Prins and his co-authors were able to analyze the responses of owners and executives, managers and supervisors, and low-level worker bees on their experiences with depression.

The results: 18 percent of middle managers reported a bout of depression within the last 12 months, compared to 11 percent of the executives and owners, and 12 percent of the workers.

No shit Sherlock! This is exactly what I expected.

Suits – The executives are usually fucking morons who are washed up idiots and don’t know how to do any useful day to day tasksand don’t contribute anything except bossing people around and coming up with dumbass corporate strategy that usually fails. There are no consequences because they suck each other’s dicks and have job security.They have all the money and have no problem being another idiot exec at another company.

Low Level Workers – The low level workers come in too categories – (1) over eager young people who are happy to do anything to advance their career and have not worked enough in the cube to see the bullshit that really happens. (2) After a few years, they get fed up, mail it in and don’t give a fuck enough to get depressed.

Middle level managershave to deal with the low level over eager happy workers or slackers and the idiot suits bossing them around with dumbass shit. And this is why they want to kill themselves.

It’s very simple really. Don’t need any Columbia study telling me this. Of course, there are exceptions, but really nah.