Tag: Chats

Ambien Fucks You Up

Ambien is an evil pill. Never took it and never will. Okay enough of the fruity rhymes, I didn’t try to do that. But yeah I have stories about people wrecking themselves taking this shit. So if you want to ever go to sleep, 1) exercise until exhaustion before bed. 2) Don’t have caffeine and 3) Blank your mind and ignore your shitty problems. There! Sleep will be had.

Now this is a rather mild example. I have people really hurting themselves on this trash. Plus, once you’re dependent on it, ypu’ll never sleep again without it. Sounds shitty to me:

This Just About Sums Up My Day at Work

This pretty much sums up my summer IT job. I was GChatting and the subject randomly came up. The conversation was so excellent, I decided to post it:

This is why I love life right now…

Enjoyyyyyy. Except I disagree about ActionScript though. Fuck Adobe and Flash. HTML 5 is the way to go.