Physics Rocket Competition

Today was launch day and it was fun. This is whole reason why I took physics (well, not really). Steve and I worked on this last Friday and last Sunday.

We got to class, made the final preparations and then went outside to launch. Unfortunately, Gone Phishing (our rocket) did not do too well. It launched nicely, but the nose cone got stuck and the parachute did not deploy. It was in the air for a little over 5 seconds (sounds like a short time, but it was launched vertically at 90 degrees) before crashing into the ground (nose cone first). The egg did not survive. Bottle rockets are bulky and unstable. I’d rather use real model rockets with real engines – those are even more fun! I have to admit, some rockets were designed very nicely. We came in 5th place, but that’s okay – NASA alwasy blows up rockets…It was a fun experience, anyway.

I then went out to see the other Physics class launch but had to leave at 1:00 for another class, so after setting up and such, I only saw three launches. It was all a big party. People who weren’t in the class were out there watching.

Images of building and launching the rockets are up here. Check it.