Portfolioso 2.0 Coming Soon

I am in the middle of a complete layout redesign. The layout is done, and I’m just doing backend database work to try and integrate these posts to the front page, and convert present content from the old layout to the new layout. There are a few changes in store for the site: it will comply with web standards (XHTML 1.0 Strict), I’m dropping the forums because no one goes there, I’m dropping the image gallery because there is no point of it, and I’m moving the blog to its own section (with the latest post on the front page). Hopefully, the site will have a Web 2.0 look and feel to it. It might be a little less green than what you’re used to, but hey, we need a change – it’s been the same since 2003

The transition is expected to occur sometime in early June, or whenever I finish. Since I’m home from school, I’m working on this at night when I’m home. I’ll also be working, so that may slow things down a bit. No worries, everything will turn out well