Verizon Is Slacking Their Asses off With the Android Phones
This is an identical rant to the one I posted December 6th. The former post is better written, but my point is that almost three months passed and I still don’t see good new Android phones on Verizon. And I’m not talking about the iPhone. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Newsflash Verzion, The iPhone 4 is so last year. Missed the boat on that one. Imagine if you fools actually launched with the iPhone 5 / 4G? That would be useful. AT&T sucks balls but no one is going to switch and pay early termination fees to get a phone that’s already been out a year and Apple already probably has a new one in the works. But I digress, enough about Apple. I want Android. I don’t want a Droid 2, Droid Pro, Droid Incredible or Samsung Fascinate.
Seriously? Samsung Fascinate has Android 2.1 – which is two versions outdated? The Droid Incredible is like a year old already and has that awful HTC Sense UI. The Droid X is fucking huge. The Droid 2 has better hardware than the original Droid, but has Motoblur, which looks like ass. The Droid Pro looks like a half assed Blackberry. Then you get the LG android phones which are just half assed.
People ask me “I want a Verizon Droid, which one should I get?” Welp, I love the Android platform, but um… None right now. Wait a bit…
So dearest Verizon, when are you getting some good ass phones? They’re pulling the same shit they did before Android became popular. AT&T and T Mobile had all the good shit. Verizon’s just like.. Fuck it, we have good service so we don’t care about how ballin the phones are.
I’m due for an upgrade next May or something and as much as I love my original Droid, it’s slow and old. And they slide out keyboard is floppy and loose.
So what Android phones are good? Nexus S or G2 (T-Mobile) and the Motorola Atrix (AT&T). When the Atrix was announced, I was so excited. But nope, not coming to Verizon. Why would it? Only shitty assed phones come to Verizon.
Oh and Verizon – if you don’t have good phones by the time my contract runs out. Peace!
PS again – I wish the Atrix didn’t have MotoBlur. Shit’s weak.
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JLu says:
Annoying, isn’t it? The sad thing is…I didn’t give a shit about phones until I got a Razr in high school (at least I didn’t spend $500 on it like some of the rich dumbasses in my class). Ever since, I’ve been all about getting the latest and greatest every two years. As much as I love my Droid and its helpful features, I agree that it’s slow and mehhh right now. Not sure what I’ll be doing in December when I renew.
If only Verizon didn’t solely use CDMA…