MyNorthwest – A sophomore at a local private high school thinks an effort to make Easter politically correct is ridiculous.Jessica, 16, told KIRO Radio’sDori Monson Showthat a week before spring break, the students commit to a week-long community service project. She decided to volunteer in a third grade class at a public school, which she would like to remain nameless. “At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but I was kind of unsure how the teacher would feel about that,” Jessica said.”I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay,” Jessica explained. “She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat ‘spring spheres.’ I couldn’t call them Easter eggs.”
Jesus Christ! I have no words for this shit. Reading these articles makes my blood boil. What the fuck is a spring sphere? It’s like holiday tree…same line of bullshit. All of these efforts to be politically correct are nonsense… Politically correct from what… It’s more incorrect to make up bogus names for things. That’s just straight ig’nant, dawg…
Really though. How is it offensive? They are objects. Christmas tree. Menorah. Easter Egg. Kwanzaa made up thing that is essentially a copy of a Menorah.Dreidel. Heh… I think I’m going to start calling Dreidels Jewish tops because I’m not Jewish and the fact that I need to say a Hebrew word just offends me. </sarcasm>
Second of all, this little 16 year old is partially at fault. Who the hell asks a teacher for permission to call Easter Eggs… Easter Eggs?! How’d that conversation go?”Uhh ‘scuse me. Like… Is it ok if I do an activity with Easter Eggs and call them that?” “BLASPHEMY? Hellz no! That is just plain offensive to any non Christian. Not in my classroom, sister!” Second, she chose to not name the school? I’d virally spread how much of a damn joke that school is. Third, I just wouldn’t listen. I’d yes the teacher to death and then I’d walk in and be like “SURPRISE! We’re going on an Easter Egg hunt you little fuckers!” What’s the teacher going to do, kick me out? I’m volunteering. And props to those little kids who were like “screw that it’s an Easter egg”
Shameful day in the US of A. Shameful… We can watch people killing each other on tv and in Bridgeport, but it’s wrong to say Easter Egg… Jesus Christ.
I’m Going on a Spring Sphere Hunt Next Weekend…
April 14, 2011
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Really though. How is it offensive? They are objects. Christmas tree. Menorah. Easter Egg. Kwanzaa made up thing that is essentially a copy of a Menorah.Dreidel. Heh… I think I’m going to start calling Dreidels Jewish tops because I’m not Jewish and the fact that I need to say a Hebrew word just offends me. </sarcasm>
Second of all, this little 16 year old is partially at fault. Who the hell asks a teacher for permission to call Easter Eggs… Easter Eggs?! How’d that conversation go?”Uhh ‘scuse me. Like… Is it ok if I do an activity with Easter Eggs and call them that?” “BLASPHEMY? Hellz no! That is just plain offensive to any non Christian. Not in my classroom, sister!” Second, she chose to not name the school? I’d virally spread how much of a damn joke that school is. Third, I just wouldn’t listen. I’d yes the teacher to death and then I’d walk in and be like “SURPRISE! We’re going on an Easter Egg hunt you little fuckers!” What’s the teacher going to do, kick me out? I’m volunteering. And props to those little kids who were like “screw that it’s an Easter egg”
Shameful day in the US of A. Shameful… We can watch people killing each other on tv and in Bridgeport, but it’s wrong to say Easter Egg… Jesus Christ.