Jesus Christ, Dave Robertson

APP – The injury occurred on Wednesday night, when Robertson stumbled down a single step while taking a box to the recycling bin at his St. Petersburg home.

It’s embarrassing,” Robertson said. I don’t even want to have to come and talk to you guys about it. I’d rather be like, I tripped over a chair in the clubhouse or something than tell you I fell down the stairs at my house. And not like a full flight of stairs, just one stair.”

You drunken prick. Who the fuck hurts their ankle walking down one stair before the baseball season starts? And don’t look at me. I’m not a baseball player and I’m an alcoholic, so when I bust my ankle, it’s justified.Recycling? Really? The hell were you doing, bringing all the empties outside? I work like 5 feet away from the canyon of heroes now and if the Yankees don’t win 28 this year, then I just don’t even know what I’ll do.

You’re officially off my list of Yankees I’d go Gay for now. Seriously dude. Don’t waste your career like that asshole Joba did.