Ticketmaster Sucks and Sends Shitty Email Reminders

I fucking hate Ticketmaster and they can blow me. If you want to know why, educate yourself what aboutPearl Jam did 20 years ago. Today, their website is absolutely heinous, super corporate, and not fun to use. The UI looks like asshole. The fees are out of control. They charge you for every little shit. It’s ridiculous. And then they pull this shit:

I look at my Gmail inbox and got super confused:ticketmastergmailsubject


September 21st? That’s today’s date. This show isn’t today. Knowing that I’m a scatterbrained asshole, did I overbook something? Nope. Ticketmaster just sucks. I open the email and they put today’s date in the header like they’re writing me a fucking letter. For real? Don’t they know Gmail summarizes shit onto one line? It makes it SUPER confusing. Idiots. Put onedate in the fucking email. The date of the event. That’s it.

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PS – Eddie Vedder and Mike McCready will probably make me cry