Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Your Childhood in 94 Seconds

If you don’t recognize anything from this video, you were in a coma in the 1990s:

httpv:// is fucked

I called it for years but now it’s official: Digg is now in the shitter. used to be awesome back in 2005 when it had much fewer users and it only covered technology. I got all my tech news from there and stayed on top of everything. But then it got absolutely huge, and they expanded categories, and people started submitting stupidity, such as OMGz look at this cat picture. In addition, Digg became so popular that power users took over and controlled the content. It was no longer the common man voting up stories. It became all corporate and the top 5% controlled 50% of the site’s content. I had to look elsewhere for tech news.

Then Kevin Rose took over and duked it out with former CEO Jay Addleson. As soon as Jay stepped down and Kevin took over as CEO, he reverted half of Jay’s work and flipped out

Kevin tried to turn Digg into Apple. Except, unlike Apple, everyone hated the new product.

So Digg v4 launched, and people hated the shit out of it. So what do they do? Digg all the content on reddit, another social news/ voting website. So all of the top stories on Digg right now redirect to Reddit. Nice.

This is almost as bad as that time Kevin Rose tried to censor the HD DVD decryption key. People kept submitting it and every single article was all about it. Same thing now with Reddit. No one learns from history?

Used to idolize that guy, not gonna lie. But he really doesn’t know what the hell is going on anymore. And he’s a Mac fanboy, so more strikes against him.

R.I.P Digg 2005-2009

Private Browsing Mode Increases During Lunch Time, People are Morons

Mozilla released usage metrics for Firefox today and Mashable publishes an article about how people switch to private browsing around lunch time. Five minutes Later, Gizmodo writes the same article, those copycats!

Guess what? People are fucking morons and don’t understand the internet. Switching to private browsing won’t protect you from shit at work. It protects the local history on your computer. Last I checked, you shouldn’t be letting anyone on your account anyway, so it doesn’t matter what history is there. Don’t you all know that WebSense/8e3 or whatever other blocking/monitoring software your employer has will see what pages you visit anyway*? No? Then you’re a dumb shit.

Read, Shitheads. It warns you every time

*Unless you use a tunnel, but you’re too stupid to do that. See, I can get around that shit with no problem, guaranteed.

Android App of the Week: SDRescan

I am running out of Android apps I actually use to feature here. This one is pretty boring, but can be useful.

Did you ever add pictures, music, ringtones or sounds to your SD card and have it not show up in the Gallery, ringtone list or media player? Happens all the time. The phone needs to add them to the database, which usually only happens on reboot. But let’s face it: it takes forever to reboot.

So SDRescan! Run it after you add stuff to your card and bam, your media will now show up without rebooting.

PS – Lance Berkman sucks balls at first base and at any kind of hitting. Get off my team.

Well I Messed Up Again

Yeah I wrote a whole thing about what would happen if the iPhone came to Verizon and it disappeared. This must be user error because this is the third time I lost content when writing on this blog. It doesn’t save in realtime (it does do autosaves every 5 or 10 minutes but that’s shitty). What happens is that I have ADD and multiple revisions open so the blank ones save, I press publish and it messes up.

Well it was too long anyway so here’s short bullets of what would happen if the iPhone came to Verizon:

  • Droid Sales will crash – everyone wants the iPhone and Verizon people are getting the Droids because they’re the next best thing (they’re not like me and genuinely think Android is a better OS)
  • Mass Exodus of Customers from AT&T – AT&T sucks, can’t make calls and people only use them because of the iPhone. Period
  • Verizon Gets Tiered Data Plans – Once again, the abundance of smartphones will strain the network, so there go the unlimited plans.

This sucks.