Category: Computer/ Tech Related

My Laptop is a Piece of Shit

Take a 2.2Ghz AMD Turion 64 processor, and an ATI Radeon XPress 200M and shove them into a fucking dumpster. They can’t even render piles of 2D shit that come out of my asshole.

I get Guitar Hero III for my PC and this piece of shit laptop cannot handle it. 800×600, crowd off… Still no good. 800×600 is bitch ass resolution anyway – and my laptop still eats **** instead of syncing the notes to the music. It’s not like I’m asking it to do 1920×1200 with all the graphics up. All I’m asking for is minimum crap, and it still spits in my face. I don’t want to strum the note like 3 seconds before it aligns with the friggin’ align thinger (nice technical English I used).

I made a bad decision when I bought this for numerous reasons. At first, I was all excited because it was an AMD, which (for a long time) was better than Intel. However, Intel started Surpassing AMD around the time I bought this laptop. When I was researching the laptop, I was like “OMG 64 bit winwinwin!!!one1.” But unless you have a 64 bit operating system (with 64 bit drivers), more than 4GB of RAM, and 64 bit programs, there is absolutely ZERO benefit of having a 64 bit processor when it does everything in 32 bit mode. Second of all, my laptop does not have a dual core processor. Of course those came out the month after I bought it. I picked a bad time to be a freshman in college and buy this Guitar Hero-less piece of shit. Thirdly, look at these benchmarks – what a piece of shit. My 2001 desktop benched higher with the RAM, and Intel kicked its ass.

All the reviews said that this laptop was eh for gaming but I’m not a big gamer. As long as it did internet/FTP/Word quickly, I was happy. Then I got addicted to Guitar Hero and now I’m pissed. Oh well. Like all other things (that don’t deal with technology), I guess I’ll continue to suck at this game. I was supposed to practice so I don’t look like an asshole when I play people, but no.

My Internet Sucks

In the past few weeks, I do not think there is anything more annoying than having your crappy school network drop your connection to AIM every 2 minutes. You can’t set away messages, because when it reconnects, you’re not away anymore. I get 40 people yelling at me for signing on and off too much and for not answering their IMs even though I’ve been away from my computer for three hours, but AIM says I signed on 3 minutes ago. I have tried everything to combat this. AIM 5, AIM Lite, TerraIM, different ports, the TOC 2 protocol rather than Oscar, encrypted connections (using AIM Lite) and none of these seem to prevent my screenname from bumping. I flushed my DNS cache, changed my DNS servers – no luck.

Here’s what I do not understand: the connection peaks at 40MBPS (and maybe goes down to 3MBPS when everyones using it), yet it can’t hold a connection to AIM, which uses less bandwidth than runs the Yankees scored this postseason. This is not rocket science. It’s a simple connection that could be maintained on a 14.4k dial up modem in 1994. Something is seriously wrong with the network.

And what’s worse? It only happens to me. No one else (well it actually it does, but much less frequently). I seriously think our network staff hates me and set their firewall to “drop all his packets and give him lowest priority” mode. Priority so low that it cannot even connect to a simple chat server. I’m not downloading terrabytes of streaming video and running 3 servers – all I’m trying to do is stay connected to AIM for more than two hours without being annoyed.

Solution? AIM seems to be better on wireless, but that’s no good because it introduces another problem – abysmal speed and signal strength. There are only 2 access points on each floor, and they don’t do so well when everything is cinderblock. You’re lucky if you get a ping reply from the default gateway less than 800ms, if you don’t time out first. What kind of cheap knuckleheads thought two access points one each floor would be sufficient? And how come the wireless network does not even talk to the wired network? What morons set that up? For the first 3 weeks of school, they couldn’t even figure out why traffic would not route to a critical business school Intranet site. Seriously, stop going around and punishing people for sharing “copyrighted” material and start fixing your piece of crap network.

Thanks. (And that was the first rant in like 8 months, yay for my site being active again! Of course I write this at 3:30AM, rather than sleeping and worrying about midterms. What a student…

Sue Me

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Apparently, this string of hex is higly illegal because it’s the decryption key for HD DVD…

Shut Up About the Stupid iPhone Already

Within 2 minutes of Apple’s announcement of their iPhone, it immediately became the most popular tech discussion of 2007. Every other story (without exaggeration) on news sites such as is about this stupid phone. If you did not hear about the iPhone by now, you’re living in a fantasy bubble, but to clarify for some of our less technology inclined friends, Apple has introduced a phone that integrates touch controls, a widescreen video iPod and internet capabilities.

Here is why the iPhone sucks: Take into consideration the following question: What is the purpose of a cell phone? The proper answer is to make and receive calls. Studies have shown that people are not interested in streaming videos and extraneous features. Smartphones/PDAs such as Blackberry could be useful for business executives, but for the average person, a normal phone is sufficient. When released, the iPhone will only be available to Cingular customers, which is very disappointing. Also, Cisco owns currently holds the trademark for the name iPhone, so this should be an interesting legal battle. Apple thinks they can pretty much make any product with the name i_____, but there has to be a limit at some point. The only reason this phone is so popular is because of the Apple brand name. If LG or Sony were to release a similar device, it would probably fail, because few people have use for so many extra integrated features. The market hype and current consumer satisfaction with the company put it in an excellent position for future profit and growth. If Apple suddenly started making toilets, and called them iPots, within one week of hitting the market, they will become the fastest selling, most popular toilets on earth. Imagine one of those bad boys, with an iPod dock and integration…

So I’m listening to music and then a phone call comes in… It gets interrupted? A person defending the iPhone would argue that you can’t listen to an iPod and talks on a cell phone at the same time. But they are wrong. Suppose you get prank calls, or want to ignore the caller? If I want to listen to music, I’d rather have a dedicated MP3 player. This leads to the next feature – internet. This is actually a halfway decent idea. The only possibly downside to this is Cingular can charge a lot for internet access on these phones. Also, Cingulair doesn’t have the best network. Verizon’s EVDO is much faster for internet speeds.

Speaking of Verizon, their “Get It Now” video on demand service is the definition of failure. No one wants to pay $10 extra per month to see some pixelated, day old news video on a 2 inch screen. However, if iTunes is enabled on an iPhone, it is suddenly “well worth it” and people would be able to download music and videos right to their iPod/phone (whatever you want to call it).

I am sick and tired of hearing about this phone. Shut up already!!! Yes, Apple is creative and made an innovative new device, but they also have a blind, ignorant user base that supports them fully without much research. I am not saying Apple makes inferior products, but people should look beyond the Apple name. I am usually interested in the latest technology, but there has to be a dividing line somewhere between utility and “lets see how much crap we can pack in to this phone just to impress people.”

Eventually, Apple will run out of creative ideas and should quiet down for a while. Right now, they’re booming.

Facebook Privacy

It’s been a while since my last post because I am busy and don’t have much time anymore, but I think it is very important to review some Facebook privacy settings with everyone now that it has been opened up to the world. That’s right. Now anyone can sign up with a Facebook and search for you, which is not good). Therefore, I recommend changing the following privacy settings:

On the main Facebook navigation on the left of the page, click the My Privacy button:

Only Allow High School and College Students to search for you

With Facebook open to EVERYONE, you don’t want random stalkers or parents searching for your name. By changing the following options, only those in High School networks and College Networks will find your profile if they type it into search (just like the old Facebook). This does not mean that these people could view your profile, but they will see that one exists and could look at your friends, message you or friend request you. We don’t want this – if some random 45 year old guy makes a Facebook profile, the last thing you want is him searching for your name. If you change these settings and he searches for “Kim Jones” no results will be found, but if College people or High School networks search, “Kim Jones” would be displayed in the results.

On the Privacy Page, look for this option, then click edit settings.

Stop the Annoying Stalker News Feed

Are you sick of seeing that your friend Bob Jones wrote on Mary’s wall? Who the hell is Mary and why do I care? Facebook’s news feed is very annoying and whenever you do anything on Facebook, it will notify all of your friends in the News Feed. You can disable this feed by changing the following options:

On the main Facebook navigation on the left of the page, click the My Privacy button:


This stuff helps. Remember to be smart on Facebook – anyone can see what you’re doing. Colleges have habits of making fake student email addresses, just so faculty can take a look at student profiles. If this scares you, You can further change your privacy settings to allow only friends to see your profile.