Category: Rants

Is this Bullshit Summer Over Yet? Summer in NYC Blows

I fucking despise summer. Summer in New York is one of the most miserable experiences ever. Period. Fuckin… the worst thing is dressing up in hot ass uncomfortable business clothes every day and standing like a sardine next to smelly, filthy motherfuckers and homeless on the subway for extended amounts of time because “ladies and gentlemen, we are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us. Thank you for your patience.” What the fuck is train traffic? Its a fuckin one way rail. How does that shit get delayed? Its not like some asshole got a flat tire and blocked the road, although with how shitty the MTA is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it WAS possible for those broken down shitpile trains to get flat tires.

It’s humid, there are millions of asshole tourists walking around, getting in my way. I’m sweaty, grumpy, pissy. My trains are delayed, the office AC is not cold enough, people smell like shit, people walk too slow, I can roast a chicken on the subway platforms. Fuck this noise.

I’ve come to the realization that unless I’m at the beach, there is absolutely no reason for it to be above 55 degrees.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love and need seasons, or I’d get bored. But we all know summer is virtually over after July 4ths like some unwritten rule. Once there are no more company holidays, its all bullshit.

Viva la fall!

PS – posted this shit from my Nexus 7 and the WordPress app. If it looks shitty, my bad. Love this stupid waste of money. Also, fuck Apple.

I have No Mercy For People Who Kill Themselves on Train Tracks and Delay My Commute

CT Post-The man struck and killed Saturday by a Metro-North train behind theKings Highway Stop & Shopsupermarket had been lying on the tracks, officials saidSunday.Michael Leary, 51, of New Milford, was killed instantly when an eastbound train struck him at 6:26 p.m.,Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityspokesmanSalvatore Arenasaid.Leary was pronounced dead at the scene by the state medical examiner. He was identified by personal documents found on hisbody.On June 6, Leary had been issued a summons by MTA Police for trespassing on the Metro-North tracks at the same spot where he was killed Saturday, Arenasaid.Saturday’s train was packed with about 350 passengers who were delayed for 90 minutes while authorities investigated at the scene of thefatality.


This never happened to me, but God fobid it ever does because I’d lose it. Fuck you Michael Leary. These motherfuckers get off too easily. Fucking… If you want to kill yourself, suffocate yourself with a plastic bag, slit yourjugularor wrists, drown yourself (but not off a bridge to stop traffic), lock yourself in a garage and start your car and die of COpositioning… Whatever. But don’t you fucking dareinconvenienceother people you selfish mother fucker. I’m sorry. If some fuckface kills himself and I have to get delayed 90 minutes on a train, that’s some bullshit.

Instead of dying, you should be paralyzed for life so you can think about how miserable you are and how you inconvenienced 350 people for 90 minutes. That’s 31,500 minutes (21.5 days) of people’s time you wasted. You know what the MTA should do? Drive over the asshole and clean up their tracks overnight when there are no trains and fuck it. Just dump the body in a river mafioso style and go on their merry way. Dying instantly is too easy of a punishment for this asshole. Because I have no mercy for people who waste my time.


Stop Asking Me About Work When I Get Home

When I get home from work, I’m fucking exhausted and over it. I don’t need the people who are home with me asking me details about my day because I don’t fucking want to answer them or talk about work. The only time I will talk about work is if you ask me if I want to have a threesome with Elise and Malori, and in that case the answer is yes. Other than that, I’m home now and don’t want to talk about work. The following questions are bullshit and irrelevant to you. The shit ismonotonous, so let me answer them once and for all

  • Was it busy today?
    • Yes it was fucking busy you idiot. I do everything for those fuckers. I eat, sleep and dream work. I’m on call 24/7. I am the grandarchitectof next generation infrastructure. God forbid some shit breaks, my life is basically over until that shit is stable again.
  • Who was off today?
    • Who gives a fuck. Do you know them?
  • What’s going on tomorrow?
    • Who gives a fuck.
  • Did you have any meetings?
    • Yes. Why wouldn’t I have fucking meetings.
  • Will you be late tomorrow?
    • Yes. The Subways run like fucking shit.

For real. Go talk about something else.

If You Sue a School Because Your Son Was so Filthy, they Scrubbed Him Down, You Deserve to Lose Custody Your Kids

MSNBC – A school nurse and counselor forced an 8-year-old Texas boy to bathe after telling him he “smelled badly, was dirty and had bad hygiene,” according to a lawsuit filed Thursday.

Judgment in favor of the teacher and the nurse! Now someone send in child protective services and take this fucking kid away from these unfit parents. The teacher and nurse did no wrong here. There’s a whole classroom full of innocent, clean kids and it’sdespicable for one lousy bastard to stink up the whole room.

These parents should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Don’t you smell your filthy assed kid? Fucking teach him to clean himself. No one wants to smell that shit. Not you, not the class, not the teachers. You’re essentially sentencing your son to ridicule and unpopularity. Why would you ever do that?

It’s like this greaseball Federico I went to middle school with. Father was rich as fuck and probably couldn’t give two shits about his son. Kid was a filthy fucking freak of nature that had no people skills at all. This fucking guy got sent to the nurse in 7th grade because he smelled like a fucking blooming onion. I remember one time I got detention because this guy was in my Home/Career Skills bullshit class and we were baking pound cake and this filthy motherfucker sneezed in the batter. I was like “ah fuck, I’m not eating this shit now” and got detention because the teacher heard me. But fuck that. I’ll take a weeks detention before I eat a sneezed up germ-ridden piece of cake sneezed on by some untouchable.

1) This is why I can never be a school teacher. My cousins and Danny and all these people get enjoyment from teaching snot-nosed, virus infested, whiny, smelly little shits all day. Not me, sir! 2) This is why I’m never having children. And if I do, they won’t smell like shit. Because my son needs to lay pipe like a motherfucker to make up for my tame assed lifestyle. And you don’t do that if you smell like shit.

If you get Bitten by a Poisonous snake because you Think the Bible Mandates you to Handle poisonous snakes to Test your Faith in God, then You Deserve to Die

Washington Post– Paraphrased: [Some asshole Christian preacher thought it would be a good idea to preach with a poisonous snake because if he were a good Christina, he wouldn’t get bitten and/or if he did get bitten, God would save him.]

You know, I read this article and was like… This is prime blogging material. It goes along with my Darwinism posts of “If you do X which is really stupid, then you deserve to die” posts. I have a few of those. This story is such a bunch of bullshit I can’t even write much about it. It’s not even worth my effort.

So you know what. You better hope God saved you…. in some other life because your asshole is dead, you ignorant bastard. Don’t you learn from your dad? Idiot. Fuckin guy died the same way. Fucking Pavlov’s dogs learned faster. It’s animal nature. If I eat this poison berry, I die. Welp, if your dad ate the poison berry, stay the fuck away. So if you don’t learn, get the fuck out of here.

Don’t they fucking teach you in the bible that the snake represents the devil? Asshole… So if you’re a dumb motherfucker that takes the Bible literally such as 7 day creation stories, talking asses, 6 million animals fit on a rickety wooden boat because God was so pissed he flooded the earth and that God will save you if a venomous snake bites your dick off and and if you’re a good person, then you won’t die… then so be it. Drop dead and get the fuck off my planet and stopbreathingmy air andpollutingC02because you’re an ignorant fool that clearly doesn’t deserve to live.

PS – that whole Noah’s Ark thing is the biggest bunch of mother fuckin’ bullshit I’ve heard in my life. I’ve always been taught God is forgiving and loving and compassionate. Yet two motherfuckers eat an apple and get their asses kicked and God floods the world because he wasn’t happy with how shitty everyone was behaving… Fuck that noise. Todayeveryone’sfucking eachotherby 8 years old and there’s killing, murdering, rape, poverty, wars and all this bullshit. Guess that’s better than eating a mother fucking apple. Asshole.