Category: School Related
Holiday Cafeteria Decorating
Today after school, the EGO people decorated the cafeteria for the holidays and I decided to go for once. There’s really not much to say about it, I mean you take decorations, tape them to the walls, etc. Yeah that’s about all. It was fun though. See some pictures: Pictures!!
Unit Conversions
I finally got my unit conversion page up. Very useful for physics or other science classes. It converts a whole lot of crap from metric to American units and vice versa. I basically found some nice scripts on a site that was all cluttered and put it in a nicer, more user friendly format (iframes!!!)
Edit: Fixed the problem in Internet Explorer. Turned out to be some retarded html. Forgot to close some tags…
Save Work for Later? Or Do it Now?
So what’s better, doing schoolwork first to get it out of the way, or doing it at the last minute? Well it really doesn’t matter. Here’s why…
I used to always do my work right away when I came home from school and then have the rest of the night to do whatever I want. That’s pretty good, but there is another alternative. School is so tiring that I’ve been coming home and doing nothing for a while, then doing work later. Parents argue that it’s better to do the work first. If we analyze this scientifically (meaning that we assign two variables to be either constant, increasing or decreasing), we’ll find out why this doesn’t matter. The scientific statement: No matter when work is done, your free time will remain constant and your workload time will remain constant. This means that if you have, for instance, three hours of work, you can either work from 3PM to 6PM and spend from 6PM-whenever you go to bed doing whatever you want. Or, you can do nothing until 9PM and do the three hours of work after this. Either way, you still had free time before doing your work (if you chose to do it later) or had free time after the work (if you chose to do it right away).
Take weekends… If you do nothing on Friday and Saturday and work all of Sunday night, it’s the same thing as working all night on Friday and doing nothing on Saturday and Sunday. See what I mean?
In conclusion, don’t worry if you do work at the last minute. We all do and it forces us to get it done. If it’s not due for a while, we just put it off because there are better things to do. What does it matter when schoolwork is done. As long as a student finished the work done and does well in school, then that’s great! We’re happy for you.
P.S – It’s almost 1 AM on a Sunday night. I just finished my work 🙂
Schedules Came Today
Schedules for the 2004-2005 school year arrived today. One thing that I hate is when 500 people IM me and ask me who I have. Therefore, there is a nice little thread on my forums where I posted my schedule and everyone else can post it if they want.
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Three More Days
December 21, 2004
School Related
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Only three more days of classes. I really need a break and I’m sure everyone else does. This last week before break was a killer. A few essays and a test everyday. Ugh. It will all be over soon.
And happy winter