Category: School Related
I would just like to point out to a certain chemistry teacher that homogeneous has no L in it. It is pronounced ho-mo-jean-e-us. NOT ho-mo-lodge-in-us. OK? Just wanted to inform you to avoid further embarrassment and to prevent me from going hysterical in class…
Why You Shouldn’t Raise Your Hand In Class
The only reason people should raise their hands is for a high class participation grade. Besides that, it’s pretty useless. No matter how much you know the answer, the teacher ALWAYS calls on the person who isn’t paying attention or is completely clueless about the topic matter or the universe around them. Next, most teachers spend two to three minutes embarrassing the person and trying to pull the answer out of him or her, when that person clearly has no clue. When the teacher fails to pull the answer out of these people, the teacher gets annoyed and just says it (after four minutes). This wastes valuable learning time. Therefore, If you happen to know an answer and you are waving your hand high up, don’t expect to be called on, because some person that doesn’t know will usually be called on. And PS If you don’t know, you better find out soon, because you definitely will be called on. Also, some teachers are dumb and even though you raise your hand, they don’t call on you. Then they have the never to give low grades for class participation
There are some exceptions. First, not all teachers are like this. Second, some students are paying attention and know the answer.
Mac In Da Hood
I walked into math today and went hysterical laughing. This guy dresses up nicely every day with a suit and tie and I was extremely surprised to see this.
Edit: June 1, 2004: Click the link to view the picture… It was too large and was messing up the layout for those with lower screen resolutions.
Help Me
Ok. I’m sitting here writing this post, writing an essay and watching the Yankees make sloppy fielding errors all at the same time. Not too bad… But what scares me most is the fact that I have chemistry lab tomorrow. See, I love labs and really wouldn’t mind spending the entire six hours and thirty six minutes there. The only thing is, I don’t want to be severely wounded by none other then…. Marc!!!! Yes, that’s right. He almost set my first lab report on fire (because he didn’t master the concept of the match), spilled limewater on my hand, and almost broke numerous beakers, test tubes and other glassware. I was going to dedicate a page to his lab blunders, but I can’t right now. There goes lab safety… Sure everything’s (not) going to be okay. Well, at least I’ll get to have a good laugh… It is kind of funny.
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The last Stretch
April 11, 2004
School Related
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So spring break is done. Absolutely shot… Over…. We should have had tomorrow off but we used up an extra snow day, where it didn’t even snow. It was cloudy with rain showers. What bull.
We only have one day off for the rest of the year – Memorial Day. That’s why I call the part of the year right after spring break until the end “the last stretch.” This is the time when all the shit builds up and school gets annoying and exhausting. When we really need a break, there is none to be found. It’s the time of the year where we all hear constant nagging about work and reviewing and studying and other nonsense. So until the end of June when all exams are over, be prepared to work your asses off with little breaks.