Category: Useless Update

No One Informed Me That I Was Supposed to Take the Crazy Train Tonight

The 6 train was out of control tonight. Absolute wackiest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. I think I ran into 3 bums, 2 people with Tourettes and a homeless politician/preacher. Not to mention the jolly singing homeless gentleman singing Christmas songs. It’s the beginning of November. Get a calendar.

Seriously… I walk to one end of the car and there’s a dude sleeping on the bench. He’s got a shopping cart duct taped to the subway pole with various shit in it. Across from him is another homeless dude with another cart of shit. This guy is preaching his ass off about “America is in trouble” and “the rich have it coming to them” and all that bullshit. The other homeless guy starts getting pissed because he was trying to sleep and told him to shut the fuck up. Another singing homeless dude joins the party and starts yelling at both of them because their carts of shit are blocking the way. Then I get a guy at the other end cursing his ass off and twitching.

They fucking bomb search me every day and you’ve got jokers just occupying the 6 train, disturbing the peace.

Only in New York, folks… Only in NY.

Kombucha Sounds Like A Pussy Ass Drink to Me

Lifehacker -Kombuchahas grown in popularity over the past few years around the same time as kefir and probiotically-augmented yogurts. Like yogurt, kefir, and sourdough bread it requires a starter culture which is added to black or green sweetened tea. The result is a tart, fizzy drink (0.5% ABV) that tastes a little like apple cider and is touted by many for health benefits.


This is a bitch ass drink for health freaks.I’m not going to waste time fermenting green tea with bacteria that is turns out to have like .5% alcohol by volume. How are you supposed to get hammered off that shit? I’d have to drink like 15 gallons, then I’d get sick because of a full stomach.

“But Joe, it has probiotics and good bacteria that is really good for your stomach and digestion.” F that noise. Want good bacteria? Eat yogurt.

Wanna know what works better? Take some green tea, then pour gin or vodka in it. Repeat like 8 times. Enjoy.

This Joker Is Running for President?


I am not sure what I think of this. I can’t decide if I want to rip on him or if he’s a baller for this.@Gadsdenmarcwould approve I’m sure