Category: Useless Update

Barstool Philly, You Call This Creature a Smokeshow?

I knew this was going to happen. I dreaded they day that Barstool Philly would launch.

Is this supposed to be a smokeshow? For real? Who’s in charge of picking these things? Let me rephrase that. I guess that’s the best they can do with submissions from Philly. Wow. What a muppet face. Okay, maybe a brown bag and a Yankee hat would do the trick, but other than that, yeech!

Quick Little Facebook Infographic

Jacked this chart from Mashable: Very nicely put – Guys prefer photos with girls. Girls prefer photos with girls. Pretty much everyone prefers photos with girls.

Personally, I prefer photos with me in them. Just take a look at my digital photo frame on my desk at work. I’m in every single picture. Bitches come over, take one look and walk away like fire hydrants. True story.

Protip: Don’t get Caught Looking

First off, this is completely theoretical and never actually happened to me, maybe.

Say I’m walking behind some hot girl with a legitimate ass in tight jeans. There is nothing else to look at that’s more important at that moment than that ass (unless you’re a gay, and there’s nothing wrong with that). So here I am just walking behind someone – my eyes target-locked on, mouth probably gaping wide open like a kid on Christmas morning, etc. So obviously it’s safe to stare right? People don’t have eyes behind them.

NOPE. There’s a fucking glass window to the side and in front of her. So I look up and see the reflection of myself clearly. Here I am, making all kinds of faces, drooling, etc. and my reflection is like 100% visible. Nice. Might as well have been a mirror. I probably didn’t get caught but it was damn close.

Yeah caught looking sucks. Might need to work on that a little bit. I’ll have to admit, there are two reasons I end up looking at people for awkwardly long amounts of time: 1) they’re hot or 2) they’re ugly as fuck. I mean one time I got hardcore called out by someone visiting for a few days who flat out asked “Why are you looking at me?” That’s ballsy right there. I like that.

Yeah, haven’t made it out of 7th grade, bitches.