Category: Useless Update
So Pissed I Didn’t Get This Picture
I’m walking down 23rd and Lex to this $1 pizza place which my coworker told me about (I’m going to get so fucking fat now) and there’s this old bro just killing it with a pimped out walker. Legit decrepit old man straight out of the veteran’s hospital or something, just strutting down 23rd st with bling all over his walker and a “BKLN IN DA HOUSE” sign tied on.Literally made my day.
Huge mistake not grabbing that pic. Would have been a classic.
Well, That’s Why He’s Down the Tubes
A classic from the year 2003 that my HS assholes will remember:
And you thought I was down the tubes in high school. HA.
Rabbit’s Got The Right Idea
February 12, 2011
Useless Update
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Valentines Day is in a few days. Let’s take some advice from Rabbit:
We must cancel Valentines Day! Whoever wrote this episode in the early 1990s was brilliant!
PS – this show was my entire childhood and if you don’t have a soft spot for Winnie the Pooh, you are false.
PS again – Is Rabbit supposed to be a dude? Because he sure doesn’t sound like one. Since childhood, I always thought he was a woman because he PMSed on everyone 24/7 and was always in the garden and kitchen.