Category: Useless Update

Bring Me this Google Wallpaper Girl!


Google launched this new “Teach Your Parents Tech” campaign which is designed to teach people like my mother how to copy and paste on a computer. Welp, I was watching some of them to see if they were any good and if there was one to teach my mom the difference between closing a browser tab and closing the browser window and I stumbled upon this.

Absolute smoke, and she even knows a thing or two about computers.You can change my background any day!

PS – Merry Christmas Eve bitches!

Angry Birds Pissed Me off Tonight

I have a daily routine of playing Angry Birds on the train home from work. My goal is to beat at least one level per train ride home OR at least beat one high score/ obtain more stars. I’ve only failed one other time but today was the second. I couldn’t beat the damn level in my 34 minute ride home, and it was pissing me off. Finally beat it, but it sucked.

This is a Bitch Ass Level

Cablevision Making No Sense Yet Again

Please give me a valid reason for moving NY1 to channel 8? Seriously? It’s called NY1 for a reason. It’s been on channel 1 since 1994. What is the meaning of this!

Seriously, some engineer is sitting over at Cablevision just scheming up ways to fuck with people. “Muhahaah I’ll show them! We’ll move channel 1 to channel 8!” Who plans these things?

I can’t deal with this company anymore, and I’m not even a Cablevision customer!

OMG More Severe Weather Alerts (Not really)

I go on to check some weather and see a severe alert red banner across the top. Hmm, are we due for snow? Nope!

So I look outside and it’s clear and cold. What’s the severe weather? The full moon! Are you shitting me? The full moon? The fuck do you think I am, a werewolf? Seriously though? The full moon will cause tides to flood us all. NOT. I’m like 10 miles inland anyway – this doesn’t even apply. This is almost as bad as that time they issued a sever alert about a light drizzle. F’in weather channel.

Good. Let them be higher.

PS – Happy winter, bitches. Winter is the shit because it’s cold and I like cold.

Request Granted

K blogged about it. Happy?

PS – Mozilla, get your shit together. Instead of filming fuckin animals, how about Google Chrome is pissing on your sorry ass in the performance department. Might want to fix up that javascript engine, fools. Seriously. You see Google Chrome 8? Thing is ballin. You start it and it pops up instantly. It’s like 8 times faster than 3.6 in speed tests, it’s still faster than Firefox 4 beta. Oh and they’re on version 8 already… Jeez.

This is why Google’s better. They have a bunch of people getting paid holiday bonuses, creating good products. Mozilla’s over there picking up fire fox shit in cages.