Category: Website Related
PHP Broken
Update: Everything is working now. Thanks for the patience. And thanks to Rameez for pointing this issue out. if anything on this site ever breaks, let me know about it and I’ll take care of it. I’m so busy that I probably won’t notice things.
Php is all messed up on my server. My image gallery is not generating thumbnails and my uploader is broken.
Just a heads up. I have no control over this because I don’t have root access to the server. So the admins in Orlando will get to it when they can – I notified them.
Links Updated
I updated my links page because it needed a little work. For instance, there were dead links, dead pictures, some sites disappeared (WinMX) etc. There might be a new link or two here and there. I also reordered some links based on importance.
Check out some good sites here:
Site Updates
Few updates about my site:
The looping sound you should be hearing (unless you don’t have embedded sounds enabled or your browser isn’t configured properly) is Pete’s official intro to this site. I try to keep things professional and not force sounds on people, but this is funny and I decided to loop it and be annoying for a few days. I will eventually remove it from automatically playing, but it will be on my site somewhere and will be the official “phrase” of this site.
On a more permanent note: has been using over a gigabyte of bandwidth over the past few months. Although I have plenty of bandwidth and am nowhere near my limit, 1 gig is still a lot considering that prior to those past two months, it was averaging 400 Megs. I have a feeling some of my sounds and flash animations are being hotlinked to other sites (when other sites have files from my site on their sites and use my bandwidth). I have put a password on the flash folder, sound folder, and program folder to prevent this hotlinking. To get access, the username is login and the password is login. If you ever forget, there will be a text file called password that will have the login info.
That’s the story…
Edit: I removed the loop – it was only temporary… The sound clip can be sound here:
Image Gallery Fixed
I finally got some time to fix up my image gallery a little bit. I finally renamed all of the WYD/Europe pictures and have them in chronological order. Also, I reorganized my school section. Instead of having random pictures all over the place, I made 10th, 11th and 12th grade folders. There are sub-folders in the 11th grade folder relating to certain events or subjects. As of now, the pictures in the 12th grade folder are random, but I will be adding sub-folders of stuff in the future.
You can access the entire gallery over here: (or on the side on my main navigation menu)
Edit 2009: Gallery is removed
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Site Screwed Up
December 6, 2005
Website Related
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As you noticed, the main page was loading slowly, the menu was not showing up and there’s some kind of php error. Php is funked up on the server side and I’ll have to email an admin to fix it since I have no physical access to my server. (I did not cause this problem because I didn’t update the layout in a while, so it’s nothing I messed up.)
In the meantime, I have this temporary (very UGLY) layout so the site is functional (because it wasn’t loading before). As soon as this is all fixed I’ll switch the layout back:
You can still access the uploader, files, all news entries and any other bookmark you had.
Sorry about that. It’s weird that other php driven things are working, like my uploader and image gallery.