Category: Website Related
Unit Conversions
I finally got my unit conversion page up. Very useful for physics or other science classes. It converts a whole lot of crap from metric to American units and vice versa. I basically found some nice scripts on a site that was all cluttered and put it in a nicer, more user friendly format (iframes!!!)
Edit: Fixed the problem in Internet Explorer. Turned out to be some retarded html. Forgot to close some tags…
I accidentally deleted my uploader, so if you click the link, you’ll get an apache directory. All files uploaded are not affected except for the ones I intentionally removed. I have it backed up somewhere and will restore it as soon as I get onto my main computer.
Edit: Fixed 11/10/04 11:30 PM
Hurricane Frances
Yes, this site is hosted in Orlando, and as you know, there is another hurricane moving it’s way. This time, I am well prepared and have backed up everything, just in case (even though the datacenter is in a big, hurricane-proof building.)
There will be 5 people operating the servers down there to ensure they stay up. So the site may be down for a bit if Orlando loses power, but only until they get generators going.
I wish everyone down in Florida the best of luck to cope with these disasters.
New Menus
I was sick of the old menus and the retarded text links that were on all of my pages. So I decided to make one image with nice buttons – something that matches the site layout. Then, I mapped links into the image and bingo, we have a nice new navigation menu. Redoing the menus was in my mind for the past year, but I was either too tired, too lazy or lacked the knowlege to do it well. I tried it a while ago unsucessfully and it was horrid. Now, I think it’s decent.
I also did another big update that isn’t not noticable to you people. It’s useless for me to explain the technical stuff here, but all you need to know is that if I ever need to change the menus again, I’d only need to edit one thing and not twenty individual pages. This involved changing some page names around, along with switching from html to shtml. Since I’m not perfect, it’s possible that there might be dead links on this site. As far as I know, everything’s okay but if you click on a dead link, help me out and report it on the forums.
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Image Gallery Faster
December 5, 2004
Website Related
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I have fixed all of the pictures in my image gallery. Many of them had very large resolutions and were 600KB to 1 MB and took forever to load. I lowered the resolution and compressed them better and most of them are around 200KB. This means they will still look good, but will fit on the screen better and load faster. We all like that!