Category: Website Related is up!!
Now it’s easy to remember my site. Just go to! About friggin time I got my own domain name. Anyway, it should also be nice and fast (unlike the shitty crap which is still lagging its ass off). I have removed a couple of pages that were pointless but added some new php stuff like forums and a guestbook. Also check out which is just like the server I was running from my own computer, only it should be up all the time and will be much faster! Enjoy the new site!
Big thanks to Anthony over at for being kind enough to answer all my questions about domain names and hosting… I’m sure he could have been doing many other things rather than sitting and answering all my dumb questions. Thanks again!!!
I’m Running My Own Server!!!
Head over to to get certain files off of my computer. There are pictures, videos and sounds and other goodies. Since I am running this server off of my own computer, there is no file size limit!!! Note that the link will only work when my computer is on and the server is up. I have added a link on my main page under my menu titled “More Files.” Don’t rape my bandwidth too much.
Note to Verizon: Your dynamic IP and port 80 blocks cant stop me!! MUHAHAHHA.
New Logo
If you see a funky little design to the left of my main page, that is my new logo. I was doodling one day and said “Hey! This looks cool.” So I drew it in MS Paint making sure it was perfectly symmetrical, and bingo! New Logo for this site.
In case you didn’t know, that is the seasonal image section of my site. So if it’s Halloween, expect a pumpkin there and so on… But when nothing is going on, my logo will be there.
Challenge Solved
Finally! Someone who knows how to use a computer!! Johnny Funz was the first person to solve the (extremely easy) challenge located here. Congrats and I’m expecting all you other fools to figure it out. It’s really not hard. Use your brain. By the way, no prize is going to be issued. I never said there would be a prize.
Edit 3/2005: Damn – it took you dumbasses that long to figure it out? HA!
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June 4, 2004
Website Related
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If you were trying to access yesterday, June 3 around 9:15, it was down for about twenty minutes. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Here’s the scoop: One of the servers on the network was getting syn attacked, which messed up every single server in the datacenter where this site is hosted. Damn hackers – don’t target the servers that I’m on, target Micro$oft instead (that was a joke to all you lawyers out there). Fortunately, the company I’m using has an excellent response time and they blocked the attacker and got all their servers running within twenty minutes. Yay for that! Just thought I’d add this little note in case anyone was wondering what was up or tried to access the site while it was down. That’s all for now…