Tag: Metallica
New Metallica Album Looking Good
Metallica’s 9th Studio album has been in the works for a while. Metallica has set up http://missionmetallica.com, which is an in the works preview of some parts of the album. Check out an mp3 I compiled below (which I pretty much ripped off MissionMetallica and shortened) of some new material in the works. I better not get sued, they’re like that…
Anyway, my point is that this is sounding more like Load and Reload, rather than the awful failure of St. Anger in 2003 which was just angry guitar and drum mashing. This actually has some killer riffs and old sounds to it and is awesome. I already have 2 lines of lyrics stuck in my head. It better not disappoint in September. Click play below:
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The Day That Never Comes
August 21, 2008
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Listen now (But you’ll have to find it on the internets somewhere not on this server):