Tag: Politics
Keep it Up, America!
I think we should do this to thepoliticianswho start these wars.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a war with Iran I need to lobby for, ASAP. They’re such a huge threat, you guys. I’m scared shitless right now.
Fidel Castro Hit The Nail on the Head
This fucking crazy bastard couldn’t have said it better: “The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is, and I mean this seriously, the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.”
You’re God damn right, Fidel! We have a bunch of fuck ups running for the Republican nomination. I mean, did you hear these fucking jokers at the debate? Romney was like “I’d thank heavens if he croaked and the people will celebrate when he meets his maker” Newt was like “Hey Mitt, you’re full of shit, he’s going to hell” and Santorum was like ‘HERP DERP I’d keep those sanctions and give them mountains of aid once hisregimeis gone. Fuck those commies” Really? Lets give the Cubansmountainsof aid, you fucking jokeshop. It’s not like we don’t have fucking homeless people every 3 inches in NYC…
Seriously listening to those three assholes hurts my brain. Ron Paul is the only guy that made sense. Why are we holding a grudge against Cuba for shit they did in the 60s? Fucking trade with them. I want some cigars and shit.
PS – because of this quote, I am now Pro-Cuba and anti United States.
Get Ready to Go to War With Iran, Mother Fuckers!
Faux News – The USS Abraham Lincoln on Sunday passed through the Strait of Hormuz — the first time a US aircraft carrier has been through the strategic waterway since Iran threatened to close it earlier this month.
This is it folks! Your next Iraq and Afghanistan in the making. We’re going to war! I guarantee it. You heard it here first. It’s what the United States does. All of the rednecks in the south love war and politicians who initially speak out against it get paid off by some machine to keep declaring illegally starting wars that never end.
The US Navy said the passage of the vessel was “routine” and had been completed without incident.”USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) completed a regular and routine transit of the Strait of Hormuz, Jan. 22, to conduct maritime security operations as scheduled and in support of requirements set by the combatant commander,” a statement from Naval Forces Central Command said.
Bullshit. It wasn’t routine. How about you don’t send two aircraft carriers to an area to begin with. Does anyone understand fucking history. Like the whole World War I powder keg thing and the Lucitania? Same shit. You can’t just go putting aircraft carriers in someone’s waters without being militaristic. I’m pretty sure the U.S would flip a shit if some other country started sending their aircraft carriers to US waters.
The thing is… Obama is not anti war even though he said he was his whole campaign. All Republicans except Ron Paul are all for attacking Iran. And because Obama has a 79% chance of getting reelected, and Ron Paul has a 0% chance of getting the Republican nomination, even if some other Republican beats Obama, it doesn’t matter. Someone is going to go to war with Iran.
I just want fucking gasoline to not be $8.50 a gallon, which it will be soon ($9.50 in NYbecausethey tax your balls off). First, you have the European Union putting oil embargoes, sanctions and all that shit on Iran and fucking with the world economy. Fuck Iran. Let them develop nuclear shit, just like other countries have done. It doesn’t mean they’re going to attack people with them. They can’t get anywhere near the United States. This is a country that’s been at conflict since the 70s. U.S intervention now isn’t going to fix anything.
Happy Monday!
Want To Put a Stop To Police Chiefs Getting Killed in Drug Busts? Stop Doing Drug Busts
April 13, 2012
1 Comment
Fuck the drug busts man. Look what just happened. This poor bastard went out and got himself killed for no reason. Just… Fuck it. Stop the assholes doing their DUIs so they don’t kill anyone. Stop the people murdering people or fighting people. But let people do whatever else they want, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else or interfering with anyone else’s personal thing. Huge drug dealer? Whatever. Would’ve saved more lives.