Tag: Politics
It’s Obama’s Fucking Fault Banks are Charging Ridiculous Fees
You’ve all heard that Bank of America is going to start charging a $5 monthly debit card fee if you use your debit card, right? Who the fuck wants to pay more money? I’m fucking broke.
Many other banks are starting to charge crazy fees if you don’t meet minimum balances. Now normally, I’d be like “fuck these banks, screw big business, they’re greedy and they’re out to bleed everyone” That’s true. But this is America. The point is for there to be a free market. If you are talented enough to build up a business and make money, that means you’re fucking good and you are doing something right. Hate big business? Look at Apple. Everyone loves Apple, so shut the fuck up. They’re not a big business? They don’t exploit Chinese workers in Foxconn factories making 4 cents per day manufacturing iPhone screens and then jumping off the roof because their life sucks? This is why Apple is a multi-billion dollar company.
So why are these banks charging fees? Here’s why:
In October, theDodd-Frank financial reformlaw will lower interchange fees, which is the amount banks can charge retailers for debit transactions. Fees for retailers will shrink from 44 cents to a cap of 24 cents, which has led some debit card issuers to seek other ways to make up that revenue.
[according to a Bank of America Statement]: This new fee allows us to continue to offer the convenience of a debit card with the full range of added features customers have come to expect, including fraud protection and monitoring, special savings programs and other services, a bank memo stated, according to Dow Jones.
Here are my views:
- This is America. I am laissez faire. Stop fucking regulating this shit. It causes problems.
- To a certain extent, we still need to make sure that companies aren’t screwing people though.
- The minute you start overregulating and control-freaking shit, who gets screwed? The people. Yes, the people. Because these corporations are like… Fuck this – if I have to pay more, you have to pay more. It makes sense… And the innocent working people getscrewed. The middle class gets screwed. There is no more middle class because we’re paying fucking bank fees all day and Jamal over there on the corner is blazing it up, collecting disability,welfareand food stamps and selling crack. Bro’s doing better than I am.
Lies! That’s Not How It Goes
Gizmodo -Obama Kills Osama Collectible Figurine Should Be Made Into a Giant Statue.A Limited Edition, this jewel could be yours for only $129.
Fuck the people who created this piece of shit. That’s not how it goes. Obama is NOT a badass, didn’t shoot Osama in the head and didn’t change a fucking thing since he took office. Navy Seals killed Osama (if they even did and it wasn’t just a big publicity stunt. Where’s the proof?) Also, to hell with thise asshole Jesus Diaz over at Gizmodo who actually praises this thing.
Here is a list of things I’d rather do with $130 than to buy this fucking false action figure
- Drink it away by myself
- Buy drinks for my coworkers
- Buy drinks for my friends
- Buy drinks for strangers for no reason
- Give it to a homeless bum so he can buy weed
- Flush it down the toilet
- Wipe my ass with it
- Eat it
- Douse it in rubbing alcohol and light it on fire
- Pay 5 midget Mexicans to tie me down and whip me for 45 minutes
- You get the point…
Then we wonder why countries hate the shit out of the United States. This is the reason folks.
These are the Jokers Protecting This Country
Really smart, bros. Way to drive your tank completely underwater. Unless your shit is an amphibious vehicle you might want to like… not do that. See, this is why this country is going to shit. These are the jokers we have protecting us during national emergencies. Just doing stupid crap, going and getting themselves in danger… Wasting government money and destroying equipment.
Fuck War
Reposted from Facebook:
‎31 lost, 31 unwanted visits, 31 doors receive that dreaded knock, 31 families with shattered hearts, 31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets, 31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services, 31 names on newly made grave markers, 31 empty places at the table, 31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let’s take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever.
Idiotic Congress Declares Pizza a Vegetable
November 17, 2011
1 Comment
This is why we can’t have nice things in the United States. We have a tanking economy, 10% unemployment,impending internet censorship, useless hippies occupying everything and not contributing dick to society, riots, crumbling roads etc…and what are our dumbfuck politicians worried about? Declaring pizza a vegetable. Are you fucking kidding me.
No wonder everyone here is a porker and Europeans make fun of us.Seriously, fuck this dumbass country. It’s going to shit because no one learns from history. All superpowers end. The US is fucking finished.
BRB. I have to go to the farmers market. Ihaveto pick up some pizza seeds and grow some pizzas.