Tag: Politics

That’s It. I Had Enough Of This Fucking Country

WSJ -KABULAn Afghan insurgent armed with a rocket-propelled grenade shot down a coalition helicopter early Saturday morning, killing 38, including 30 American troops, Afghan officials said, in the single largest loss of U.S. lives since the war began a decade ago.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF AFGHANISTAN ALREADY. I already said this a few weeks agoabout Iraq. What a waste of money and lives. This country fucking sucks. No wonder people shoot our shit down. It’s justified because we don’t belong there. If China started flying their military shit over New York for now reason, you’re God Damn right it would be justified to shoot that down. So what’s the difference. Why are we the world police? You can’t just occupy Afghanistan for no reason. The hell with Afghanistan. No one cares. Let them do their own thing. Doesn’t anyone learn anything from history? It’s common knowledge that smallguerrilla warfare always wins against superpowers. Lets see… American Revolution. Vietnam… Taliban. Derp.

Don’t say that I’m a bad person for writing this. I feel for the families of these soldiers who just lost their lives. It’s uncalled for. There is absolutely no reason for it. None at all.It’s not even a real war. We didn’t even declare war. It’s unconstitutional to be occupying other countries.

What Is This Blasphemy?!

Some BS Site Hating on Ron Paul – There are a few things that sane, rational Americansshould trust as being the truth:1) We really did land on the moon. 2) Barack Obama is a natural-born American citizen, not a shape-shifting reptile. 3) The gold held at Fort Knox is real.


1) We didn’t land on the fucking moon. We can’t do it today and there’s no way we did it in 1969. That was just some propaganda nonsense to prove to the Soviets that we were better at space. I mean think of it. When you launch a rocket today, you need a launchpad. I’m sure there is one of those conveniently located on the moon…. How’d that shit lift off again, may I ask? HONESTLY. The Cold War was the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of in my life. Everyone was freaking out about nukes, communism and World War III. I mean, I still can’t get a fuckin Cuban cigar because of this shit.

2) Barack Obama probably wasn’t born here, but who gives a shit. It’s over, the country is already ruined and he hasn’t done anything to change it except spend more money we don’t have on Obamacare. Money for some welfare assed lazy people who never worked a day in their lives to get free medical care. Paid for by me.

3) I never heard of this one before, fake gold bars? It does sound crazy, but since when does the US ever tell the truth. God damn right they’re lying about all the gold we have. Fuckin China owns like half of our debt. They’ll be occupying ourcountrysoon and taking over. I’ll be speaking fluent Chinese by 37.

So according to this dickwad, I am neither sane nor rational. I’ll tell you what I am. I’m right. And he’s brainwashed.

Can Someone Explain To Me Why The Fuck The US Is Still In Iraq?

NY Times – Five American soldiers were killed Monday in one of the deadliest days in two years for the American military in Iraq, a day that underscored the continuing threats American troops face as they prepare to withdraw from the country.

Can someone please explain to me what the FUCK is the point of occupying Iraq at this point? For fucks sake, it’s a waste of money. It’s a waste of human lives. There is no reason any American soldier should be dying in that shithole anymore. Want to know why they’re dying? Because Iraqis don’t want us there DUH. It’s not our country and we didn’t even declare war, so obviously people are going to be shooting rockets trying to get them out. How would you like it if Iraq was just like.. Fuck it. We’re going to put our tanks all over NYC and just walk around and invade buildings for no reason. Pretty sure we’d be fighting back.

Let them do whatever the fuck they do over there. It’s not our concern. We are not the world police. No wonder everyone hates the United States.

PS – Obama is a God damn joke. He brought about real change alright. Three years later, soldiers are still dying and the economy is just as fucked as it was before. This could all have been prevented if there was fucking CHANGE aka, stop the wars. But no… People will blindly continue to love Obama because I’m not even going to say why here.

I never get political, but this has gone too far.

We Have Better Things to Do than to Fuck Around in Libya

See this is why I don’t vote. Because it just doesn’t matter who you vote for. Democrat, Republican – they’re all full of shit. Barack Obama brought about no change. It’s still the same exact United States sticking its same nose in business that doesn’t concern them. I mean Bush was a friggin moron, but I don’t see what Obama is doing differently. Plus, at least it was politically correct to make fun of Bush. Make fun of Obama and you’ve got enemies. I’ll just stop here.

For example:

  • Imposing a no fly zone over a country is an act of war.
  • The US never gotCongress’ approval to declare war
  • This attack occurred on the exact same date 8 years ago that the US started bombing Iraq. Hmm. Curious.
  • The United States cannot afford the financial burden of more military action in the Middle East.

It’s not rocket science. This is why everyone in the world hates the United States. UH DUHHHHH. This country has no right to do anything thousands of miles away. We have no right deciding what is right and what is wrong in other countries and just bombing shit. Let the UN and/or people in that area handle it. Fuck that noise.There’s enough shit to worry about here and we’re out to control the world and make them do what we want. Fuck ’em. Let them do whatever the hell they do there in Libya.

So my question is, who the hell is really running this country, because obviously nothing changed. It’s all a big ass joke. Looks like the same shit to me. It’s like Harry Potter or some shit. All these presidents end up like Mad Eye Moody in book 4 – Imperious Curse and locked in a box for 4-8 yeara while animpostor takes a Polyjuice Potion and pretends to be the president but then gets all up in the Middle East’s grill…

PS – @Shavingfoams thinks I don’t know where Libya is. I do, joker.

Today, I Voted For…

Fucking nobody.

That’s right. I hate politicians. I hate government. I hate bureaucracy. I hate paying taxes to assholes who get nothing done, add more restrictions on everything by the second and make this country less free. I hate the shitty infrastructure in this backwards ass country – roads and bridges falling apart, yet the tolls are upwards of $6 each way with thousands of people passing every day (fucking MTA).

And if you say that I’m a bad American or I have no right to complain about bad politicians if I didn’t vote at all, fuck off. It’s a free country and I don’t have to vote. Why should I vote? If my choices are between one huge asshole and a lesser asshole, either way we’re fucked, so what does it matter. You get a disaster like George W. Bush fucking shit up for 8 years bombing empty caves like a douchebag and then Obama comes in trying to clean up all that stupidity with more utter stupidity that just costs even more taxpayer dollars.

Political parties are pathetic. They were designed in the 1700s when people were too stupid to know anything and no one had any transportation. Everything is Democrat this and Republican that. To hell with all of that! How about “this person is genuinely smart” vs. “this joker sucks balls?” The problem with politics is the two parties fighting. If you took all of that energy and put it into fixing up stupid shit, things might actually be half decent. And if you’re in some other weirdo party, you’ll get like 7 votes tops.

Next issue. Money. We all know the only person who wins is the richest/ or the one who spends the most campaigning. I don’t care how good you are – if no on heard of you because you don’t have big bucks or corporations paying for your campaign, you lose.

New York is completely fucked. Complete trainwreck up in Albany right now. You have a blind man who does nothing. Then you have a senate that just screams at each other all day. Then you have a crazy assed mafia bro who hates gays running versus some other moron who’s only popular because of his father. I love New York to death, but 98% of it is useless anyway. Like it’s common sense that if you don’t live in Westchester or the city, you live in the fucking boonies (forget Long Island peeps, they’re in their own world). Upstate, it may be nice, but it’s depressed as hell and no one should ever live there except for getaway summer vacation houses in the trees/mountains/lakes whatever.

PS – Thank CHRIST this election is over. I’m sick of people shoving campaign flyers up my ass everywhere I walk -train stations, subway stations, Grand Central, the streets, the parks, lobbies of office buildings. Go AWAY and stop killing trees with that shit.

PPS – This guy makes sense. It’s basic trickle down theory. Hey anyone lowring rent in my books is a good man. Mo money fo me.
