Category: Movies/Television

What the fuck did Emma Watson do to her hair?

Christ this is disgusting. I actually don’t even have any words to describe how awful this is. I’m sitting here trying to come up with something clever to say about it and all I can think of is “gross.”

Way to make yourself look like a dude, bro. The brown bags will be coming out when she goes back to Brown this fall I guess…

Whatever, it’s still Emma Watson so its all good.

The West Coast Doesn’t Give a Shit About Jersey Shore

Image Credit: Some website (I don't remember which one and I'm not going around doing research so sue me)

..and neither do I. Look at all these tweets at 10PM EST when the show ran on the east coast. Then look at 1AM (10PM PST), when it ran on the west coast.

See this is the problem. Out in California, you have chill surfer bros who just bro out all day long at the beach and have a good time and don’t bother anyone. Then you get Long Island/Jersey/Westchester with its orange guidos going around fighting people and being like “What’s up brah? GTL.”

If New York wasn’t the best city in this country, I’d be moving to the west coast yesterday*. It just seems to be legit out there.

Love the Random Text Exchanges that Never End

Keith, you sir are the man. This isn’t our first time we have been on a never ending text message exchange. The previous one involved variations of the surname O’Kane.

If you don’t know where that’s from, you haven’t lived.

PS – I love being able to take screenshots of my phone. You need the Android SDK though, it’s kind of a bitch to set up.

Hey James, Nice Neck Fat

Does this look like the face of a man who refuses to allow a BROADCAST network on his cable system?

Why don’t you go use the 200 million that Cablevision is saving by not negotiating an agreement with WABC 7 and go get some liposuction. Thank goodness I have FiOS. I could actually care less about WABC 7 – there’s nothing on there that I watch. It’s just the principle. 1) TV is way too expensive. 2) Dolan is a greedy bastard and 3)People need to start using the internet to watch shows, because this is out of control. If this keeps up, every channel will be a-la-carte. Any network can threaten a cable operator for more money and if no deal is reached, pull their channel. Just to clarify – ABC actually pulled the channel. Yes they’re asking for more money, and usually, the costs are passed to the person. I kind of see Dolan’s point trying to keep prices low, but you can’t go screwing your customers out of channels – especially when your company makes BANK. 200 million is nothing when your profits are over $8 billion.

P.S – I still don’t forgive you for making me miss the 2002 Yankee season, asshat.

Even More Cablevision Stupidity

Here we go again… Take 3… As of March 7th, Cablevision may no longer carry WABC 7. It’s the usual “we aren’t getting enough royalties” vs “we don’t want to pay you more and increase our customers’ bills” argument. Newsflash, idiots at Cablevision: It’s a broadcast channel! You can get it free over the air with a digital receiver. How are you dropping free content from your cable system? Are we that low?

Historically, this happened with the YES network in 2002, Food Network & HGTV in January 2010 and now this in March? This happened with Time Warner and Fox, but an agreement was reached.

What does this mean for consumers? It’s awful. This is setting a bad precedent. Pretty much, Cablevision will threaten to drop any network it does not want to pay more money to. It only hurts the consumers, because if other companies give in and pay more, the cost gets passed on. If Cablevision drops the channels, customers get angry. This is happening way too frequently, and networks will catch on and use this to force carriers to pay them more. I do see Cablevision’s point, but at the same time, they are just dumb.

At the rate everyone is increasing prices, cable TV will be $300 per month. I say ditch television and watch your shows online.