I Love this Blog

If you are reading this from the front page of portfolioso.com, you should leave and click on the link to my blog. Have I mentioned how much I love this blog lately? I just upgraded this badass to WordPress 2.8 instead of going to bed. WordPress is the most amazing thing ever (well not really, but when it comes to blogging engines, probably). The iNove theme is amazing and it’s so purrrdy. The WordPress admin interface is so ballin’ I just can’t stay out of it (that’s what he said). In addition, it is organized so nicely that I can’t help but read my archived posts from way back. If you haven’t played around with the search, categories, tags, archives or any other feature on this blog, I suggest you do, because it is amazing and user friendly. Plus, you can learn a lot about me by reading my old stupidity (and see how much of an immature kid I was back in freshman year of high school). The only things lacking now are consistent updates that actually interest people. But now that the interface is so awesome, what more motivation do I need to keep blogging away?

Shameless plug…