I’m Sick and Tired Of This Blog Being Slow. My Host Can Suck It So Hard.

I apologize to my 3 readers that this blog is slow. My host doesn’t give two shits about keeping server load down on a shared server, so I monitor it myself and send them snarky emails whenever the site runs like ass. They then proceed to fix it for about 5 minutes and it’s right back to shit. The excuse this time? “We’re replacing a backup drive and backups are running, along with the usual load.”

These load averages should be under 2 for optimal performance, and anything over 5 is shitty and causes lag. My stats show red consistently for two days straight. I’m about to drop the extra cash on a cloud server. I get a virtual instance of a server with just ME using it. With root. Shit would be legit. But for the 3 people that actually visit, it’s not worth spending 10x more.