This Professor’s Got Some Pair of Balls

Checked my school email for shits and giggles and found this floating in the inbox:


I admire this pompous man. Let me tell you something: I would completely rage if I got this email from a professor who sucked. But I think this ishilarious. Guy straight up batch emails all of his students and former students asking for our vote. Man’s got balls of steel. How confident is this guy – just dropping lines about his previous awards at other schools and how he believes he is a good teacher. Guy even gives you specific instructions on how to nominate him.

Seriously, isn’t the point of this award to be surprised and voted without asking? Cut the bullshit, Dr. Oz, we all know he’s just looking out for his own resume so he can move on to moreprestigiousschools. And you knwo what? I don’t blame the man. Nothing against him though, I actually had him and he was pretty decent, so I’d vote for him if I was still in school. Better than thatotherDrupal obsessed joker or 100% of the accounting professors up in that bitch. (Abusers, if you read this, I expect a full comment on this situation).

PS – Anyone who cancels their final exam and replaces it with a paper due on the last day of class is a winner in my book.

PS Again – You ever see this guy’s pictures? Guy’s a straight up baller. My fav is “Drink aggressively” TOUCHE!