Year: 2012

Rick Santorum Is an Official Joke and Should Kill Himself

I can’t believe the majority of voters ignorant fucking bastards in Iowa voted for this joke shop in the primary. This guy literally came out of nowhere and is a moron.This man is ridiculous. Who the fuck does he think he is:

  • He hates gays
    • Eg: “I have no problem with homosexuality. I have a problem with homosexual acts.”
  • He wants to ban pornography
  • If you Google his name, on the first result, you’ll get a ridiculouswebsite. Nice reputation, asshole.

Off topic rant/ TLDR:
I don’t deal with political parties. That’s the problem with this country. How about we just get someone who makes sense. Forget all of this “political party” bullshit. Protip:Obama is a fucking idiot. The rest of the Republican party are all fuck ups. Ron Paul does not count. He shouldn’t be classified as a Republican because he actually knows what the fuck he’s doing (in theory – obviously even if by some miracle he is elected, Congress won’t let him change shit). Sadly, he has no chance of winning because the media hates him and this country is brainwashed by Faux News which is making him out to be a crackpot old fool who hates America. They also tell people that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and long range missiles. Fuck Iran. Let them develop nuclear missiles. Long range for them is 200 miles. They can’t hit the fucking United States for shit. If a Republican is elected, we’re starting a war with Iran guaranteed. The only reason why terrorists attack America is because we are the world fucking police and stick our nose in their country for absolutely no reason. Countries don’t declare war these days. Also, stop giving foreign aid to everyone. Fuck everyone else. There are poor people here we need to help. Ron Paul was like “I would stop all foreign aid, including Israel” and Jews flipped a shit. Well guess what. Israel is fucking strong. Everyone is required to join the military. They can defend themselves.

Roman fucking Empire over here… Just go to war with everyone and collapse and burn for economic reasons. Doesn’t anyone learn from fucking history. Jesus Christ on the cross.



Ah Shit, there goes 100% Uptime

Welp, I think the WordPress Android app crashed my cloud server, because I was writing a post from here and for no reason it was down for 11 minutes until I force rebooted it.

Fuck! I really wanted to see 100% uptime on the new host. Shitty start to 2012 over here at the blog. All else is good so far though.

What the Hell is up with the iPhone’s Group SMS Reply All?

You know what really pisses me off about the iPhone, besides the fact that its an Apple product in general? The way it handles mass text messages.

Can anyone explain to me what fucking idiot over at Apple thought it would be a good idea to send all replies to every single person that was ever included? This is beyond ignorant. Reply All should never be a default.

When I send out a mass text, only I should get the replies. Why in the fuck would someone with an iPhone replying be able send it to the entire group?

This affects me because 7/10 people have fucking iPhones and whenever one person sends a group text, I get like 20 texts from numbers I don’t even know, answering the group text.

This is a fucking security hazard. Suppose I don’t want the group to know who I texted? Welp, no can do sonny – guess what? If someone with an iPhone replies to it, everyone will see their number.

Android handles group texts well. Send one message individually to each recipient and the replies show up in their own threads. No need to thread the whole thing. Assholes.