Still No Class for the NY Mets

In my free time of syllabus week (in between old episodes of the Sopranos and other activities), Keith and I spent some time taking a look at new Yankee Stadium and it looks sick. The 2009 inaugural season patch was rolled out today and is very well done.
2009 Inaugural Patch vs. Garbage vs. Dominos

As you can see, the Mets patch is bland and is very comparable to Domino’s Pizza. Our online staff at the Mirror can design a better, more sophisticated logo that doesn’t consist of a rounded rectangle, two colors and some plain text. This is an absolute embarrassment. First, they sell out to Citicorp, build a new stadium that looks more like a parking garage, then accept a half-assed, bland logo designed by some blind bailed out accountant at Citi. Honestly now.