Author: Portfolioso
OMG Severe Weather Alert
This is where I get enraged. I hate over-exaggeration and utter stupidity. The Weather Channel has a habit of doing that: “zomgz guys, blizzard warning (aka one inch of snow). Stockpile food, buy blankets, buy shovels, get generators. Prepare for the end of the world.” Chill, it’s an inch of snow, it’ll melt tomorrow. That was two years ago. The exaggeration has gotten much worse, I am not even making this up, but this was a severe alert I clicked from their Google weather gadget. I’ll tell you what’s severe: the amount of work that needs to be done to prevent this stupidity:
They put out a severe weather alert for light rain and above freezing temperatures. It’s not even a downpour or icy roads. Of course the road will get wet, it’s rain – morons. Coming next year: “Severe weather alert: Partly cloudy. Hey you never know…” You lost all your credibility, go away I’ll do my own weather from now on.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! So the earth’s rotation slowed so another second was added to 2008 to adjust for this. Ew. We don’t want another second added to 2008. 2008 sucked.
The Good: Giants Superbowl victory, The Dark Knight, New music (Metallica & AC/DC), Firefox 3, I’m still alive and doing okay since it could always be worse. Otherwise, I got nothing else for ya.
The bad: Stock indexes posted the worst yearly losses since 1931, a failing economy, George Carlin died, The Yankees sucked and missed the playoffs for the first time since 1994, a reporter dude had bad aim and missed Bush’s head with a shoe and other personal failures of my own which I will not mention here (because I’m not really open in general, but I especially won’t post it online). But that can be easily solved in a new year, so it’s insignificant.
So in the words of me “2008 can go take a crap” (Jon gets a kick out of that). Here’s to 2009! Fresh start and time to do some exiting new things, for the better. Sidenote: things won’t instantaneously get better – it’s not like a magic switch was thrown and the shit veil lifted, but hopefully things can start rolling and I won’t actually complain at this time next year.
There You Go
If you’re smart enough (or German enough) to figure this out, good for you.
Rotors: I,II,III @ Start positions: M,P,A
Steckers: GT
No Patience for Stupidity
I woke up this morning after a 2 hour, disturbed sleep (because I have way too much on my mind this week) to go to a class. I have a few spare minutes before I head out so I throw on some TV and Fox 61 news. Being from around New York (where we have legitimate news broadcasts), I usually don’t have access to this inferior Fox feed.
So the meteorologist comes on to do the weather and he’s recapping the 2008 hurricane season, stating that it’s officially over and gave some general information about it. Then he goes on to make a fool out of himself and says (I quote directly, no bull) “Well hurricane season is over. Meteorologically speaking, today’s the first day of winter.” Okay buddy, I don’t know where you got your degree from, but since when is December 1st the first day of winter? I think it’s common knowledge (and anyone in an 8th grade earth science class can back me up on this) that the winter solstice does not begin until December 21st. Actually I lied, people are generally ignorant with science. That’s fine. But you are a meteorologist, probably have a degree in this area and are on television. Get your facts right. I have no patience for this stupidity to be broadcast on the air. This is why the majority of people in this country are stupid. This was an absolute outrage and set me into a sour mood learning that these so called “professionals” have no idea what they are talking about and are spewing ignorance to the public.
So this other time, I’m in Bridgeport picking up some food and some other stupid moron is like. “Man I can’t wait until January 1st until we gots our new president.” Go pick your brain out of your teef, put it back in your head and learn something about the country you live in. I just have no comment. I bet there are morons out there who, if you go around asking who the president is, will reply “Obama.” I’ll be moving to my own island nation soon. Women (smart ones) and a high speed internet connection will be readily available, there will be no copyright law and we secede from the United States of Ignorance.
Addressing New 2009 Blog Changes and Features
January 8, 2009
Website Related
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I didn’t exactly post about the updates to this blog for 2009, but I’d like to address two new features that have been added. Before I get to them, to clarify, and the blog are not the same. The blog contains all my posts, and the latest blog post gets fed to my homepage. The website is the same (black layout). The changes being discussed are with the blog. Anyway, On the backend, the blog was updated to WordPress 2.7, which is absolutely ballin’. But that doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect users, only me with my uber admin posting panel. Things that do affect you:
I think that’s about it. I like the new features so much I might actually blog more, and be more serious and professional about it. Have fun!