Author: Portfolioso

pEopLE tHat TYPe LyK tHIs AnNoY mE

Anyone who types like that should have their computers smashed over their heads and deserve a lifelong internet ban. There is no reason whatsoever to type like such a moron. If there is a valid reason for any of this gibberish, please comment back and explain it to me, because I can’t figure out why people waste their energy pushing the shift key randomly to make some letters capital and some not.

Don’t Watch News at 3AM

I was watching Fox News at 3AM and came across a show called The Beltway Boys. What a dumb name for a news show. Anyway, it consisted of two old babbling men with stuttering problems. These idiots disagreed on every topic they discussed. The last time I checked, it was the Fox News Channel – not the Fox Debate Channel. These guys couldn’t go four words without forgetting what to say. “Uhhh.. Um… look.. yeah… uhhh.” Use a damn TelePrompter if you don’t know what to say! And if they know it’s going to be a debate, they should practice the topics before and jot down some notes so they don’t stumble like morons on the show.

Here is a 15 second audio clip from the show. It consists of one guy stuttering for the entire 15 seconds. Please explain to me if any coherent information can be extracted from this 15 second mess. The guy does not even make sense… Listen Here

This is why you don’t watch TV at 3AM – every other channel is an infomercial and they put dunces on all the news channels

If Your Forum Handle is “buffguns” You’re Uncool

It’s late and I was bored and I was looking through my site access log and noticed that my picture of the popped collar was hyperlinked to some forum. Please refer to my archived post about how popped collars suck to refresh your memory. Anyway, I decided to investigate why my retarded looking popped collar was on some forum. And this is what I found:


The Forums are located here (removed dead link). Go to the page and use Firefox (or the Evil IE) to search for a user named buffguns. You will notice that this person linked to my image of a popped collar (but the link is dead because it wasn’t done properly). Then this “buffguns” had the nerve to say that the popped collar looked hot! How dare you! Popped collars are dumb.

I just found this rather interesting and wanted to dedicate a post to everyone to publicly humiliate this person! I would like to kindly remind everyone that popped collars are not cool

Spell Checker Added

I am trying to be more professional with my postings and not have spelling errors in them, so I found a nice WordPress plugin that checks spelling. I was too lazy to keep copying and pasting my posts into MS Word, then pasting them back here.

I also modified my comments.php file to access the same spell checking script I use when I post things, so you people can check the spelling in your comments. Not that anyone leaves comments anyway, and the two people that do don’t care about spelling and use abbreviations – so it really doesn’t matter. But it’s there and I use it, so that’s all that counts. And only I can add words to the custom dictionary 😀

G4TV Sucks

This is not new news, but I’m going back in time to prove my point. About a year and a half ago, there were two networks: TechTV and G4 TV. TechTV was more focused in on technology and computers, while G4 was devoted to gaming. Last year, they merged and formed G4Tech TV. G4 was getting bad ratings and was not being carried by many cable operators, so to get around this the two networks agreed to merge. Ok no big deal – it was about half TechTV Content and half G4 content. So for tech geeks like me, this was a shame, but was bearable. Some good shows liek Call for Help with Leo Laporte were cancelled to make room for crappy gaming shows. But here’s the kicker. Within the past few months, the last original TechTv show remaining on G4TechTv was cancelled – The Screensavers. So I was watching the network recently and looked at the logo and almost puked – the network recognizes itself as G4Tv. So therefore, any association with TechTV is being ignored. It is complete bs that the two networks merge and in the end, it is solely for the benefit of G4TV. It basically goes like this – G4 is uncool so the enter the cool crowd, become cool and then get rid of the original cool people in the group – leaving themselves (former uncool people) to be cool. Ok I’m going overboard with analogies… The completely used a popular network and I have no respect for anyone who watches this channel, so if you do, don’t talk to me. I think cable and satellite operators should not sign a contract to carry this piece of crap network because of this clever scheme they pulled.

So in geek speak, G4 took a TechTV particle and an Anti TechTV particle and crashed them into one another, annihilating TechTV and leaving G4 behind (this is why I win physics geek awards). This is a complete disgrace and aggravated the crap out of me. 😡

No one cares about a 24/7 channel about gaming. It’s completely boring. If you like games, there’s nothing wrong with it. Ok maybe a show or two reviewing new games is okay, but you don’t need game walkthrough shows. There are books for that.