Category: Computer/ Tech Related
Dude… Some Networking Weirdness
Anyone who knows anything about networking, help me out because I’m doing some simple file transfers and this shit’s being weird.
I am on \\Box A which is wireless. I am connected to \\BoxB\$D and moving files to \\BoxB\$C
Why is it so fucking slow? I’m just moving shit from one harddrive to another on the same machine. It seems to be taking the files from my C drive, sending them to my wireless and then resending them back to the same computer’s other drive. Why doesn’t it just know that both locations are on the same box and transfer them tat way?
Must need me as a server to send the copy commands I guess. Because how would it work otherwise? Eh I kind of get it. Ignore this. It means nothing to you
PS – It’s fucking 2:38AM on a weekend and I’m doing geeked ass shit. This is why… Fuck it.
Just Downloaded IE9, Woof
For the hell of it, I just downloaded IE9. Yes, it’s fast with the HTML5 canvas hardware acceleration, but what a fucking piece of shit as usual. I tried two webapps and they both didn’t work because they were built to work with WebKit and Gecko.
I don’t have any problems with Microsoft except for IE. Windows 7 is great and I am not a Mac fan. Windows has been solid since XP (well, Vista was iffy)
Morons should have just used WebKit as the rendering engine so we get some kind of standard. Would have been a lot less work. All they would have had to do was do the hardware acceleration or a custom javascript engine. But nope – they do things the hard way.
PS – I also got my Google Chrome 9 stabe update today. Seems in a year and a half, Google already beat Microsoft in version numbers. Ha. Oh and Chrome is pathetic with hardware acceleration though…
What The Fuck, Firefox on Windows 7
What the hell did they do with the up one level button in the file picker? Do you know how much of a pain in the balls it is to go to the parent folder? Legithad to type it in the location bar, backspace a little and press enter. Jesus Christ. It works like a charm in Google Chrome. Google Chrome is urinating all the F over Firefox lately. Firefox just gets shittier by the day. It’s slow, it’s clunky. The more I use Google Chrome the more amazing it is.
Ok before I go all off on Firefox, looks like it’s a Windows 7 thing and Firefox is using the native file picker. I mean I love Windows 7 to death, but Christ, this was an awful thing to remove. Google was like screw that, we’re using our own file picker so people like me can go up one level when we want.
Can someone explain to me how I go up one level to the previous folder in this bitch ass operating system:
PS – Firefox 4 still sucks. The fact that each tab is not its own process is a bunch of balls. It’s memory usage is a fat pig. Ugh. See this is the problem. Firefox was the shit. When IE was a joke, it was amazing. When they found out IE was such a piece and that any intelligent computer user ignored it, they just started slacking. Slacking so badly that Google Chrome came out of nowhere and lapped them. Sad day indeed. But good for Google. They have some good shit.
This Skype Outage is Full Of Shit
We use Skype in the office to communicate, and let me tell you that Skype’s official answer is a bunch of nonsense. Here’s their explanation on their official blog, and I don’t buy it one bit.
Skype isn’t a network like a conventional phone or IM network – instead, it relies on millions of individual connections between computers and phones to keep things up and running. Some of these computers are what we call ‘supernodes’ – they act a bit like phone directories for Skype. If you want to talk to someone, and your Skype app can’t find them immediately (for example, because they’re connecting from a different location or from a different device) your computer or phone will first try to find a supernode to figure out how to reach them.
Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of supernodes available. Unfortunately, today, many of them were taken offline by a problem affecting some versions of Skype. As Skype relies on being able to maintain contact with supernodes, it may appear offline for some of you.
Bunch of horse shit. How does a peer to peer network go offline? As one of my coworkers said – it’s a conspiracy. It’s deliberate sabotage because the government cannot monitor Skype communication under it’s Nazi Freedom of Information Act (which can pretty much spy on anyone without any reasonable cause).
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BAHAHAHAHA Nokia Is F’in Delusional
February 14, 2011
Computer/ Tech Related
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This guy best be joking… Stephen Elop you nutjob… Nokia’s going to shit anyway, so your brilliant plan to bring your company back is to beat Android with a Windows 7 Phone? That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard all winter. AHAHAHA. This would be like me going back to school for accounting and trying to get an accounting job.
Android is gaining popularity. Why beat em when you can join em?