Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Hacking Around with FiOS’ Motorola Set Top Boxes

I apologize for this extremely technical post. If you don’t understand technology, go read something else. Otherwise…

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Verizon Delays Android 2.1 OTA Update

Way back in January, Motorola and Verizon announced that there would be an over the air software push to the Motorola Droid, upgrading it from Android 2.0.1 to 2.1 “soon.” Three months later, and two days ago – we finally heard of a 3/18 release date. Not so much.

This newest version of Android’s OS has new widgets, multitouch, 5 home screens instead of 3, a 3D app drawer (which I think was pulled from the Droid but works on the Nexus One) and live wallpapers (which thye we’rent going to include but decided to). Official notice from Verizon:

The 3/18 OTA software update will not happen as planned. A new date will be communicated as soon as possible.”

While you’re “delaying it,” you might as well add in the new Google Maps 4.1 that was just released yesterday -I heard it’s got some killer improvements. Actually, if they were smart, this should be the reason the update wasn’t released.

120,000 Fools Have…

Pre-ordered this useless device, according to Engadget. Refer to my previous rant about how it sucks Seriously?

Has America gotten that low? For the past year and a half, this dude Obama has been making websites. Since he took office, I’ve never seen so many websites:,,,,,, (they’ve got some nerve – the federal reserve is a bullshit institution and might as well be a private company -should be, (the hell is that?), (the US government controls the flu virus now and needs an official website?),,,,,,,, etc etc etc. Seriously? Want to give me a job admining these sites for like $200,000 a year? Yeah you do.

So I came across which spells out the nation’s plan for getting high speed internet to everyone in the country. Ain’t happening.

The story is, the majority of this country consists of a bunch of hick assed corn farmers. Half of this country (*cough, the backwards ass south, cough*) have two wires going to the houses: a power line and a copper phone line, which hasn’t changed since . We are beyond bankrupt and absolutely have no means to install fiber backbones and all that crap to these cotton towns.

So I go on and they offer a speed test. Apparently, you need you enter your address in order to do so. What the hell is this? Nazi rule? Why do they want my address in order to do a speed test. Yes, yes I know… They’re trying to see where the internet is good and where it sucks… Yatta Yatta. But that’s nonsense – I’m not giving my address away to do a simple speed test.

F these government sites. Want to check your speed? Go to Capitalism at its finest. What a waste of taxpayer money, creating a service that already exists for free.

Cablevision is Still Awful

Garbage speeds

I got to witness an Optimum Triple Play install today. Cablevision needs to shut the hell up with their bullshit advertising about being the fastest internet available. They claim you are supposed to be getting 15MBPS. I’m getting under 2. It’s pure garbage. I had faster speeds on DSL in 2003. Really good technology – let’s share the connection speed with everyone on the block.