Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Verizon’s Android WiFi Remote App is Some Shady Shit

I was working on an Android app and using the debugger which lists every event that goes on on my phone and I noticed a process This process belongs to Verizon FiOS Mobile Remote, which is a remote replacement and DVR manager for FiOS TV.

Every time I killed it from the debugger, it would re-launch. I also noticed it has this thing called vzAnalytics, which looks like it reports phone stats back to them. The best part is that Verizon lied about the email address they provided in the market. I emailed it and it bounced. Assholes. I might uninstall this

Bunch of Ballers over at Verizon: 300MBPS FiOS? JEEZ

This is some insane shit. Verizon’s got a good pair of balls just going around beling like “Ya know what? We’re gonna just increase everyone’s speeds for no reason.” They just roll like that. They increased my speeds like 12 times for no reason since I got it for the first time. Also, when I initially wrote about FiOS in 2004, I was drooling over 5/2 and 15/5. That’s pussy speed. My 4G is faster than that.

A big Fuck you to cable companies. Eat my asshole James Dolan! Suck it U-Verse. Way to go, Big Red. Finally making America’s shitty ass internetcomparabletoJapan, Taiwan or any of those other more civilized countries that have insane speeds. When I get my 150/65, I’ll post back in:

Note: This praise of Verizon DOES NOT extend to Verizon Wireless. Fuck that division. Fuck them for releasing shitty phones, having asinine CDMA phones no one else in the world uses, $30 upgrade fees, killing off unlimited data,for never releasing updates to Android phones and for bastardizing Android phones with bloated ass Verizon shitware apps.

Fuck Verizon Wireless For Not Updating My Galaxy Nexus

This is a bunch of bullshit. Verizon has some pair of balls being so slow to update the buggy assed software on their phones. It’s like… They sell you the phone and then they immediately stop giving a fuck. The fucking thing wasn’t updated since December. Sprint launched the phone much later and even they have the 4.0.4 update. Don’t they understand this phone is a glorified buggy piece of shit? Half the fuckin time, I can’t even switch smoothly between 3G and 4G because the radio has a hard time accurately reporting, finding and switching between different signals. The keyboard lags when typing. The volume is low. It’s all fucked up.

Google Maps released version 6.7 which completely fucked up GPS Navigation on Android 4.0.2 only. It used to speak the street name and exit numbers during driving nav. Now it’s just like “In two miles, turn left” “Take exit right” How the hell should I know when two miles is. Motherfucker, I’m driving – I don’t want to look at my GPS screen to see what road I should turn left on. It should just tell me to “turn left on Ballsack road” or some shit. If Verizon would have updated to 4.0.4 (which is out by the way, they just won’t push it), I wouldn’t have this issue.

I should have rooted this motherfucker from day 1. Then I would be able to install my own updates on it and I wouldnt’ have to wait for Verizon to take MONTHS and MONTHS to do this. If I want to root now, I will have to wipe my entire phone, which is a pain in my balls. But I should root so I can install DroidWall and block ads and shit, and be able to tether.

So motherfucking Google: Fix your shit. Motherfucking Verizon: release the update.



UI Idiots at Google Love Ugly Assed Whitespace

If you haven’t noticed, Google ruined their search results. Someone over there missed the memo, but Google because obsessed with gigantic blocks of uncentered whitepspace. it looks like absolute fucking shit. It’s one thing to ruin google+ because no one uses that crap. But now whenever I search for things I have a midget left sidebar of text and a gigantic shitty assed white block. I’m not saying clutter it, but make use of CSS MEDIA TYPES. Fit your shit to different monitors. If you have a high res display 1920×1080 or something, look what this shit looks like:

Even Michelle wouldn't agree with this shit.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (Microsoft is Delusional)

Just wow… Just wow… Got this ad today reading a Reddit link that took me to MSN News: