Category: Rants

UI Idiots at Google Love Ugly Assed Whitespace

If you haven’t noticed, Google ruined their search results. Someone over there missed the memo, but Google because obsessed with gigantic blocks of uncentered whitepspace. it looks like absolute fucking shit. It’s one thing to ruin google+ because no one uses that crap. But now whenever I search for things I have a midget left sidebar of text and a gigantic shitty assed white block. I’m not saying clutter it, but make use of CSS MEDIA TYPES. Fit your shit to different monitors. If you have a high res display 1920×1080 or something, look what this shit looks like:

Even Michelle wouldn't agree with this shit.

If You Use a Dog Ball Thrower, You’re a Pussy

I was biking last week and saw some gross woman with this thing along the bike trail throwing a ball to her dog. Who the fuck would buy this piece of shit for like $10? Wah I can’t throw a ball myself – I need a stick to help me. Wah, the ball has slobber on it, I can’t get my rich hands dirty. Man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch. So there’s some doggy slobber on your hand for a bit. Frickin wipe it on your jeans or some shit, then wash your hands later.

Slut’s probably done nastier shit with those hands than to worried about a little dog saliva.

Want To Put a Stop To Police Chiefs Getting Killed in Drug Busts? Stop Doing Drug Busts

CT Post – GREENLAND, N.H. (AP) Attorney GeneralMichael Delaneysays 48-year-old Greenland Police ChiefMichael Maloneywas the officer killed during a drug bust-turned-shootout in New Hampshire that left four other officerswounded. Delaney confirmed early Friday that Maloney was the officer killed as authorities were conducting a drug investigation in the small town ofGreenland. The incident started around 6 p.m. Thursday and the suspect remains barricaded in a home with awoman.

Maloney was due to retire in less than two weeks. He was married and has children. In addition to Maloney, the department had just sixofficers.The four injured officers were from other departments. Two are in intensive care and two have been treated andreleased.

Fuck the drug busts man. Look what just happened. This poor bastard went out and got himself killed for no reason. Just… Fuck it. Stop the assholes doing their DUIs so they don’t kill anyone. Stop the people murdering people or fighting people. But let people do whatever else they want, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else or interfering with anyone else’s personal thing. Huge drug dealer? Whatever. Would’ve saved more lives.


Bitches Have Some Nerve Emailing me 4.5MB MS Publisher Files


Is this woman a comedian or something? It’s like 2012. Who in their good mind has the audacity to email a Microsoft Publisher file? Does Microsoft Publisher still even exist? Wasn’t that discontinued with Office 2003?I personally guarantee you that out of the 500 people she sent it to, absolutely no one will be able to open the file.

“Oh but if you can’t open it, we’ll MAIL it to you.” Are you a fucking idiot wasting money on postage? No wonder my school taxes are like $39,854 dollars per minute. Print it to a PDF, assmunch! Everyone can open PDFs and it’s been a standard since 1999.

And this my friend, is a high school business teacher who has a lot of power around the joint.Matter of fact, it’sthe same joker who fucked up our prom seating chartback in the day.

Pretty Sure The Fucking 4 and 5 Trains Cut 12 Years off My Life

You know what fucking sucks? The piece of shit Lexington Avenue subway line at 8AM and fucking downtown New York. Fuck downtown New York. It’s an absolute shithole. Fuckinplacegets demolished in 2001 and it’s still a fucking shithole 11 years later. Construction everywhere, dust, narrow streets mobbed with fucking tourists wearing Statue of Liberty hats, it goes on and on. Ever since we moved downtown, everything fucking sucks.

For the past two weeks, it has been impossible to get onto a fucking subway train on the 4/5 line around 8AM. There are literally hundreds of people mobbed around each door trying to get in. When the train pulls into the station it’s already jammed full like a fuckin sardine can. So what happens? Three people can fit on the train and no one goes anywhere. I had more fun waiting online for 3 hours for fucking Kingda Ka at Six Flags in the 90 degree, humid summer heat than standing on the platform like an asshole.

And fucking today, the trains were coming like every 15 minutes, so there was no fucking flow. Usually they show up every few minutes. This is something new. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen motherfuckers puking in cars, mechanicalfailures, psychopaths getting arrested, homeless pissingthemselves, police activity, ass to dick crowd action. Anything to delay me!Jesusfucking Christ!

So I’m dying 12 years sooner because it’s not healthy to be angry, stressed, jammed in like sardines, and be in close contact with nasty ass fucking homeless bums with TB.

I promise you that when I worked in midtown, I didn’t have to deal with this shit.So a big FUCK you to the MTA and the Financial District. Now I’m working from home next week