Category: Rants

Glee in 3D This Summer? Fuck That Noise

Some Shitty Hollywood WebsiteGlee is coming to theaters in 3-D.The producers of the Fox hit plan to releaseGlee Live! 3D!, a film of the Glee concert tour. The film will have a two-week run starting Aug. 12.

F this. Two things I couldn’t hate more. 3D movies and Glee. Glee is a piece of shit show. It’s fake. It’s nothing but exaggerated stereotypes and. News flash: high school really isn’t like that at all. Anything to make money. Like I said before, if Dave Grohl hates something, there’s a 100% chance it fucking sucks.

Second of all, screw 3D movies. What a waste. No one likes them or wants to spend the extra money for it. You know when I want 3D? When I’m on vacation at Disney World or when I go to Six Flags or some shit. It’s the excitement of it. Now that you can see 3D anywhere, it’s not fun anymore, especially since 98% of movies are released in 3D. What crap.

I’m Boycotting Words With Friends

Words with Friends, Zynga’s latest Scrabble ripoff is an Android game where you play scrabble with your friends. It’s actually pretty damn fun, with the exception that it’s word list is fucking bullshit.

Take a look at my board. See, this is why I can’t win at this game. WAT? ET? How are those words? Ok, Wat means temple in Thai. What’s ET? Et cetera is Latin, but you can’t use it by itself.

So this fucking guy got 12 points on two bullshit words. Thanks assholes.

The Japanese Would Invent This Useless Device

Mashable -The Kajimoto Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications has created a device which consists of a hardware receptacle which is placed into the mouth, and software that remembers the movements of your tongue and sends them to the other connected device, which moves accordingly.

Kiss transfer device? What. The. Fuck. What a waste of perfect brain power. You have these brilliant ass programmers and they inventing this useless nonsense that is of no purpose. How about you invent something that’s actually useful bros. Their defense? “If you have a popular entertainer use this device and record it, that could be hugely popular if you offer it to fans” Um no. It’s just a plastic piece wiggling around.How about you get your heads out of the lab and go find a real human to kiss.

We all know the Japanese invent a bunch of sick kinky shit. I guarantee you this was invented to be used for something other than kissing.

If I Ever Download An Android App With This AirPush Shit, I’m uninstalling it in 2 seconds


These fuckers have some nerve, developing a framework that lets them push ads to your notification window. If you watch the video, they claim that only 5% of app users are active, so if they never launch the app, the developers don’t make money. UH DOY! No shit. Why should the developers get advertising revenue if I’m not using the app. Christ!

“With AirPush, we let users view ads when it’s convenient, and not when they’re busy using an app”

Translation: When your phone is idle, lets just spam ad shit to it.

So if I install the app with AirPush ads, it’s going to run in the background and then I’m going to have ads delivered to mynotificationbar? That’s bullshit. If any developer uses this, they’re a fucking moron because I can assure you people will be uninstalling those apps so fast they won’t make any money on ads.

About Time My Boy Got Me Some Fantasy Points

Praise Jeebus

About time this fuckin guy hit a home run. Scratch that… About time he got a base hit. He’s been bringing in a cool 0 points per day for two weeks straight on my fantasy team.

If I didn’t have such a bromance with this guy, I’d have dropped his ass a weeks ago. Swish is just a crazy assed bitch. His personality helps.