Category: Rants

Jersey Tolls

“New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine on Tuesday asked legislators to act quickly to tackle chronic state fiscal woes by increasing tolls on some of the nation’s busiest highways every four years starting in 2010. Corzine unveiled a proposal during his Tuesday State of the State address to the Legislature to increase tolls 50 percent in 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022.

The increases would be used to help cut state debt and pay for transportation work, and include adjustments to reflect inflation in the years tolls weren’t hiked. After 2022, tolls would increase every four years to also reflect inflation.” -AP

This is a very, very, very bad move. As a resident of New York, I should not be paying for New Jersey’s budget problems with exponential toll increases. Yes, I am using your roads and do understand a toll, but the fares should not be increased by 50% every 4 years. This is horrible for the economy because increasing tolls affect other businesses, such as common carriers. Also, with the weak dollar and inflation, people will be paying more for tolls, but in 2022, the dollar will be worth even less – so this would be an even more devastating impact. Corzine suggested that if tolls are not increased, a 30% sales tax would be an alternative. So this means little kids without jobs buying video games now need to be extorted?

Two possible solutions, and you don’t need to be a politician to figure them out: If you cut spending enough, that should solve the problem without increasing anything. Another solution would be to increase the gasoline tax. It is not right that Jersey gets to have gas that is 30-50 cents cheaper than the rest of the country. If anyone needs to make up for the budget deficit, it should be the Jersey residents who are getting a nice break on gas, while every other state resident is getting taxed up the ass.

Tolls go up, that is understandable – and even if it increases to adjust for inflation, that is fine. But this proposed plan is outrageous.

Facebook App Abuse

Some applications are great, some are terrible, others are pointless. Many people complained that Facebook has become cluttered with applications. True, but this doesn’t bother me – you do not have to use them. What does annoy me is applications that resemble spam utilities or social viruses and do not function without people spreading them.

Take the “Are you stupid” application, for example. I get an invite to it and want to check it out – only to find out that you can’t even use it unless you invite 20 people. If you press “skip” it’s like “OMG you didn’t like invite 20 people, die!” Suppose I don’t want to invite 20 people? This isn’t right and is complete abuse of the open programming API, to generate more popularity for someone’s app. If you make a good application, it will become popular. Take Jetman, for instance – that was the biggest application success I’ve seen. You don’t see its creators forcing you to invite people before you can play. This new concept is nonsense and must be stopped, before it becomes a precedent for all new applications. This concept is no different than a virus – but it uses people to spread and function. I guarantee you that someone will exploit these applications in the near future to hijack Facebook profiles and and mess with people.

Another application which is really annoying is the Movie one. I keep getting 500 notifications that “Person X” (who I don’t talk to or even care about) has just scored 90% on the horror movie quiz, and I should challenge them. I’m pretty sure the person had absolutely no intention to send that message to people he or she has not spoken to in years, nor do I want to receive it. But apparently, whenever you do something on that application – it automatically sends spam to promote its use.

My Laptop is a Piece of Shit

Take a 2.2Ghz AMD Turion 64 processor, and an ATI Radeon XPress 200M and shove them into a fucking dumpster. They can’t even render piles of 2D shit that come out of my asshole.

I get Guitar Hero III for my PC and this piece of shit laptop cannot handle it. 800×600, crowd off… Still no good. 800×600 is bitch ass resolution anyway – and my laptop still eats **** instead of syncing the notes to the music. It’s not like I’m asking it to do 1920×1200 with all the graphics up. All I’m asking for is minimum crap, and it still spits in my face. I don’t want to strum the note like 3 seconds before it aligns with the friggin’ align thinger (nice technical English I used).

I made a bad decision when I bought this for numerous reasons. At first, I was all excited because it was an AMD, which (for a long time) was better than Intel. However, Intel started Surpassing AMD around the time I bought this laptop. When I was researching the laptop, I was like “OMG 64 bit winwinwin!!!one1.” But unless you have a 64 bit operating system (with 64 bit drivers), more than 4GB of RAM, and 64 bit programs, there is absolutely ZERO benefit of having a 64 bit processor when it does everything in 32 bit mode. Second of all, my laptop does not have a dual core processor. Of course those came out the month after I bought it. I picked a bad time to be a freshman in college and buy this Guitar Hero-less piece of shit. Thirdly, look at these benchmarks – what a piece of shit. My 2001 desktop benched higher with the RAM, and Intel kicked its ass.

All the reviews said that this laptop was eh for gaming but I’m not a big gamer. As long as it did internet/FTP/Word quickly, I was happy. Then I got addicted to Guitar Hero and now I’m pissed. Oh well. Like all other things (that don’t deal with technology), I guess I’ll continue to suck at this game. I was supposed to practice so I don’t look like an asshole when I play people, but no.

My Internet Sucks

In the past few weeks, I do not think there is anything more annoying than having your crappy school network drop your connection to AIM every 2 minutes. You can’t set away messages, because when it reconnects, you’re not away anymore. I get 40 people yelling at me for signing on and off too much and for not answering their IMs even though I’ve been away from my computer for three hours, but AIM says I signed on 3 minutes ago. I have tried everything to combat this. AIM 5, AIM Lite, TerraIM, different ports, the TOC 2 protocol rather than Oscar, encrypted connections (using AIM Lite) and none of these seem to prevent my screenname from bumping. I flushed my DNS cache, changed my DNS servers – no luck.

Here’s what I do not understand: the connection peaks at 40MBPS (and maybe goes down to 3MBPS when everyones using it), yet it can’t hold a connection to AIM, which uses less bandwidth than runs the Yankees scored this postseason. This is not rocket science. It’s a simple connection that could be maintained on a 14.4k dial up modem in 1994. Something is seriously wrong with the network.

And what’s worse? It only happens to me. No one else (well it actually it does, but much less frequently). I seriously think our network staff hates me and set their firewall to “drop all his packets and give him lowest priority” mode. Priority so low that it cannot even connect to a simple chat server. I’m not downloading terrabytes of streaming video and running 3 servers – all I’m trying to do is stay connected to AIM for more than two hours without being annoyed.

Solution? AIM seems to be better on wireless, but that’s no good because it introduces another problem – abysmal speed and signal strength. There are only 2 access points on each floor, and they don’t do so well when everything is cinderblock. You’re lucky if you get a ping reply from the default gateway less than 800ms, if you don’t time out first. What kind of cheap knuckleheads thought two access points one each floor would be sufficient? And how come the wireless network does not even talk to the wired network? What morons set that up? For the first 3 weeks of school, they couldn’t even figure out why traffic would not route to a critical business school Intranet site. Seriously, stop going around and punishing people for sharing “copyrighted” material and start fixing your piece of crap network.

Thanks. (And that was the first rant in like 8 months, yay for my site being active again! Of course I write this at 3:30AM, rather than sleeping and worrying about midterms. What a student…

Big Deal: Aquafina is Tap Water

Many people are aware of the recent news that Pepsi is changing the Aquafina labels to inform the public that it comes from tap water. This is causing outrage.

BIG DEAL! It is bottled water, where do you think it’s coming from, Mars? I like Aquafina because it tastes good and whatever they do to filter it works. The water in my house tastes like chlorine and shit. Therefore, I don’t care if they use tap water or gather it from the most elusive springs, as long as it’s pure, it makes no difference. Mineral water sucks and will give you kidney stones. Chances are, if you take well water or mineral water without processing it, it will still contain impurities and possibly even radon from rocks that are decaying. So if all water is processed and filtered, then what makes the difference? I read somewhere that Fiji water contains trace amounts of arsenic. Nice.

Some people think it is sad that water is actually being marketed and sold. True, but when stupid greedy water companies such as United Water send you cancer causing, shit tasting, swamp-ass sewer water, then filters and bottled water are the way to go. The United States is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, yet my water tastes like shit because it is going through pipes and aquaducts from 1654.

One time I was in Germany and was so dehydrated that I (skeptically at first) drank water out of a sink in a public bathroom. It was so delicious and pure, that I could have bottled it. I didn’t even get sick from it. Try doing that here in the US and you will get infected tonsils, E-Coli poisoning and possibly even AIDS [/sarcasm]. Excuse my vulgarity, I am not in the best mood right now. the water supply here sucks and we need improvement now! Then maybe people will rely less on bottled water.