Category: School Related
And Boom, There Goes Winter Break
Winter break flew by really quickly. So on my last night home, what am I doing? Enjoying my last night of quality entertainment of FiOS TV on demand and neutral internet before I go back behind China’s Firewall. (if you don’t get my reference, China restricts internet access, so I was making an analogy to my school’s internet vs my neutral FiOS). Also, not that I watch TV at school, but I’m pretty damn spoiled. I go from pure, uncompressed digital with everything on demand to a whopping 40 fuzzy analog channels. Other than that, my break was pretty chill and decent. It was good to come home and get a change of scenery. On the other hand, it’s also good to get back into a routine so I don’t feel like a bum. So that shall be all. I came home in snow and I leave in snow. Woo. Except we never get a lot and I’m greedy. One other thing: I am writing a lot recently. I’m telling you – it’s the new admin interface. beautiful. When you have a good system, you want to use it more. Now lets hope I only write useful, interesting things from now on and not bore out the 3 people who actually read this.
But I Don’t Know My Date!
This is an official excerpt from a form (not photoshopped in any way) given out by Rothschild:
First off, as far as I’m concerned, it’s 2006 (But she did catch that error and apologized). However, what really struck me was: If you do not know the name of your date, write Date” Ummm. I don’t know about you people but I think it’s kind of bad if you don’t know the name of the person you’re taking to the prom. Heh – a blind prom.. Lollers.
Yes, I understand that it was worded badly. What it really meant to say was (since it was asking for a list of people at the table): “If you don’t know the name of someone else’s date (At your table), please write date…” Or, it could have meant that you didn’t presently have a date yet and would be getting one soon. See what happens when things are worded vaguely?
Junior Stay-Awakeathon
Tonight was awesome. I am so jealous of the junior class for having a Stay-awakeathon. We were supposed to have one sophomore year, but everything gets taken away from us. Anyway, last year at our class meeting, everyone was so angry about losing the junior prom, that they overreacted to the idea of a stay-awakeathon. Instead we had a really crappy junior dance/ ring night that no one went to anyway.
After the LEO concert was over, Jess and I decided that we weren’t leaving the school until we “visited” the juniors and went on the jumping castle. So anyway, we got permission to enter and completely crashed the party. It was funny because we really stood out – all dressed up and the only seniors there (except Tom who visited for a bit). Here I am in a shirt and tie playing like a little kid on the jumping castle! w00t! After that I proceeded to play DDR (and sucked majorly), followed by some volleyball (woot because – I didn’t suck) and badminton (I didn’t suck either!). Then I and stuffed my face with all the food there. The awesome part was that all of the chaperones were very nice to us and even said let us stay the whole night (I had to go anyway, so it didn’t really matter). Actually, there was one person trying to throw Jess and I out but I don’t mention names here, but s/he left before we did and higher authority had no problem with us staying. I even donated money to the junior class because it isn’t right to just crash and be a freeloader… But yeah, I spoke to a lot of juniors and teachers, chilled there for a while and just had a good old time. If I didn’t have to get up early the next morning, I would have stayed. But I got to talk to a lot of cool people and it by the time I said bye to everyone it took me like 20 minutes to get out the door.
Good times…
Senior Buddy Day
Jackie ended up buying me at the senior auction, and Friday was dress up day. For anyone who has no idea what’s going on, certain people get auctioned off and your “owner” gets to dress you up for a day. All money collected benefits the senior class to reduce the cost of the prom, which I’m probably not going to, dammit! Anyway, I had no Idea what I would be dressed up as in the morning, but I ended up being a gangster. Some other notable people: Steve – Knight in a full suit of armor, Rameez – Arab Crusade Warrior and some others (emo kids, another gangster, Barney, needle/steroids, old people, a cowboy, an Easter Bunny, a witch, etc. sorry if I left you out)
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You’re Dumb. Don’t Teach Here
February 26, 2009
Rants, School Related
1 Comment
I have had it with ignorant professors. It really pisses me off that a highly qualified, extremely expensive institute of higher learning employs professors who either can’t write or speak English or don’t know basic history.
Professor 1 teaches an international human resource management course. She has no clue about history. On two occasions, this woman stated that three atomic bombs were dropped in Japan to end WWII. Please refresh my memory as to what the third one was, I’d like to know. Second, we were talking about imperialism and she asked us which areas in the present day US were territories of Spain. A student replied with Florida and she immediately dismissed that fact and called on someone else, who said Texas. Um, moron – they’re both correct – don’t say that a student (she was pretty hot actually, I’m surprised she was smart) is wrong when he/she is not. This fool gave us nine assignments and graded one of them. How are we supposed to know how we’re doing?
Professor 2 teaches history. She never uses a subject when she sends email. Use a subject – that’s what it’s for. I am OCD with sorting things and don’t want to guess what each of your poorly written messages are about. Second, when you write an email the following bullets demonstrate improper grammar and are unacceptable:
These people have PhDs dammit. They’re supposedly brilliant. Proofread your shit and check your facts before you make yourself sound like dumb. I wouldn’t hand in a paper like that. Don’t get me wrong, these are lovely, wonderful people and are really nice. But I have no patience for stupidity.