Tag: Apple
Wait? iPhone 4 Has a Glass Back?
Really Apple??? Fucking brilliant! Who’s dumbass idea was it to put a glass back on the phone that shatters when you drop it? I can understand the front screen shattering. Actually, I can’t. I have a Droid, which has gorilla glass. I dropped that shit 7 times on concrete, tile – you name it. Nothing happened except the case got nicked.
Absolutely brilliant on their part. Let’s have everyone break their phones so we make more money selling more! It’s a scam!
Further Proof Steve Jobs is a Dick & the iPhone 4 is a Piece of Shit
The iPhone 4 is apparently a piece of shit because if you hold it by its antenna band, it loses signal and drops your calls. Isn’t AT&T bad enough? Apple doesn’t need to be releasing phones that drop calls if you hold them wrong.
It’s amazing that Jobs actually answers public email. I think that’s pretty cool. But if you’re going to be an asshole, just don’t answer. Job’s response when someone asked him about the issue? Don’t hold your phone that way. You pompous asshole. So I’m going to buy a $400 phone and I can’t hold it any way I want? The nerve!
Never Try to Reason with an Apple Fanboy
I love busting Dan’s balls about Apple. He will defend them to the grave. I tend to side with Google over Apple and make that well known. Anyway, here’s our text convo right after Jobs’ iOS 4/ iPhone 4 keynote. This is why I have no life in the summer. Instead of going to the beach every day, I end up in iPhone vs Android arguments. The iPhone 4 looks good, I will not deny that. BUT – AT&T sucks and doesn’t make calls and many of these features have been out already on other phones.
To be dead honest, it is a nice piece of hardware. The screen looks amazing/ has the highest res out of all smartphones and it does 720p video. Plus, its front camera is ahead of most Android devices (except that HTC 4G one, which isn’t as good). Hell they even added a flash (never Adobe Flash). What is pretty useless is how Jobs claims the screen is so amazing that it’s better than a human eye can detect. Well, then if I can’t see it do any better, who cares.
PS – Don’t mind the ghetto pictures of my Droid screen. You need to root it in order to use the screenshot apps. I’m not that risky. Also, to be brutally honest, I don’t like the Droid Incredible. HTC has some pair of balls on them ruining the stock Android GUI with its SenseUI crap (that’s another blog rant).
Another Reason Apple Sucks
Hey assholes at Apple – stop forcing us to use Safari to view your html5 pages. Okay, Firefox 3.6 may not be all there yet on html5 (just wait for Firefox 4), but Chrome uses Webkit and should have no trouble at all displaying the pages. No one wants to use Safari on a Windows machine.
See this is why Steve Jobs is a hypocrite. He wants to support open web standards, but then throws out demos that only work in Safari. Well guess what. Chrome is open also, and it’s html5 compliant so cut the shit. So much for the open web…
P.S – If you’re still using IE, please park your car on the nearest set of train tracks and wait.
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Apple Misreporting iPhone 4 Signal Strength (And a lesson in dBm transmitting power)
July 2, 2010
Computer/ Tech Related, Science
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It just gets worse and worse for these assholes. It is SUPER EASY to calculate signal strength. It’s measured in dBm, an abbreviation for the power ratio indecibels (dB) of the measured power referenced to one milliwatt (mW). When signal is extremely poor, the phone transmits at higher power. -125 dBm is very bad. -60 dBm is very good.
The phone physically reports these raw numbers based on how it’s transmitting. On old phones oyu were able to access the transmitting power in hidden menus. On Android, go to Settings–>About Phone–>Status and it wil ltell you signal strength in dBm.
But obviously users wouldn’t know what this means, so they are converted to bars for convenience. It’s not that hard to program a phone to say “okay, if it is less than -115 dBm, there should be no bars. If it’s between -114dBm to -105dBm, one bar. -104dBm to -95dBm, two. -94 to -85-dBm, three. -85 to -74, four bars and greater than -74dBm should be 5 bars.
Apparently, the iPhone 4 has a software problem where it displays more bars than it should. So when people are seeing 4 bars, it should really be two. In addition, this does not fix the antenna problems when people are holding the phone. Therefore a user can be seeing 4 bars but really have none when holding it wrong.
How do you screw that up Apple? It’s easy to do conditional statements!