Facebook’s New Chat Sidebar Sucks
This Giz article sums it up better than I can (and it may or may not be funnier than me, too)
I was going to blog about this new dumb ass Facebook chat bar, which is ugly, awkward, garbage and a waste of space. However, I was upstate all weekend on 56k, so I got lazy. Just read the article. I’m too lazy to blog. That being said:
I NEVER used Facebook chat. When it first started, there was a stupid ass bug where your cursor would lose focus even if you were in another browser tab as soon as an IM came in. OK so that’s been fixed. But I don’t need people creeping me when I’m online. It’s pathetic. I’ve been a Google Chat man since 2006. Nuff said
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Mahboob says:
I totally agree with you, man ~ It’s a really dumb choice from the developer’s side ! It’s just waste of space and doing some shit… it’s shows different a different in Desktop and PC even…. hope you could get some good format !