Author: Portfolioso

Wacky Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost Set Up a GoFundMe To Send a HS Marching Band to the Inauguration is a Fucking Joke

December 18, 2024


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How about this fucking guy. The pair of balls on him. All these rich, status seeking MFers should pay their own way if they want to go to the clown show. The fact that such a high ranking state official is promoting this when there are a MILLION other problems in the state is completely bananas. If he’s so passionate about sending the kids, he should open his own checkbook and donate himself. Every single part of me hopes they don’t hit the target and all monies are refunded.


Upon further research, Middletown City Schools are low ranking, pure garbage

Texas is a Trash State and Ken Paxton Should Have Been Aborted

December 14, 2023

Rants, Useless Update

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Ken Paxton is apiece of shit jagoff

Jagoff Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

NPR – Kate Cox, 31, lives in the Dallas area with her husband and two young kids. About 20 weeks into her third pregnancy, she learned her fetus has Trisomy 18, a genetic condition with slim to no chance of survival. She’d also suffered cramping and other symptoms, severe enough to send her to the emergency room multiple times in a two week period.

Cox believed she was a good candidate for the narrow exception to the three overlapping abortion bans in Texas. That exception says abortion is allowed when the mother’s life is threatened or when a pregnancy “poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function.”

Although a district court judge granted the request, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton immediately appealed it to the Texas Supreme Court. He also sent a warning letter, shared on social media, to the three hospitals where Cox might have had the procedure saying they would face penalties despite the lower court’s permission. That was last Thursday. On Friday, the Texas Supreme court put a temporary hold on that ruling, pending review.

On Monday, Cox made the decision to leave the state to get the procedure. A few hours later, the Texas Supreme Court ruled against her and sided with Paxton.

Man, what a FUCKED up place Texas is. Who in their right mind would want to live there? Ken Paxon is a VILE human being who should have been aborted, and then his remains should have been shot into the sun. Fuck this old ass boomer for thinking he knows better than medical professionals. This is a topic that is no one’s fucking business except Kate Cox, and the fact that I even am even writing about this is insanity.

The gall of this motherfucker to just straight up tell the lower court they were wrong and get directly involved.

Like do you understand how traumatic this is? This is a lady who can either die or become permanently sterile if she continues this pregnancy, and Ken Paxton does not give a shit. He’s over there writing letters threatening doctors, hospitals. What a cock. sucker. It’s traumatic enough what she’s going through, and no she has to leave the state. Explain to me how the hell this is pro life if the mother could die and the fetus is guaranteed to die. You’re literally forcing this woman to give birth to a nonviable baby and potentially die herself.


GOP: Party of freedom. You fucking morons, you.


I Put this Nonsense Back

April 25, 2022

Useless Update, Website Related

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This was busted for a while because it’s stupid content and I don’t really blog anymore. I upgraded my VPS and just never came around to setting it back up. Either way, I restored it for the hell of it just because I can and in case I wanted to see how stupid I was being in years past. Because it goes all the way back to 2003, it had some kind of legacy BS db encoding. So I fixed all that and we’re cool now. Or we’re not. Whatever.

Happy Pride Month: Now Take This Piece of Shit Billboard Down

June 8, 2021

Rants, Useless Update

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This billboard is BULLSHIT

This is what you get in hick, rural Ohio folks! A land where they still fly their Trump 2020 LOSER flags (or Trump 2024. Or DeSantis 2024. Fuck off in 2024, how about that?)

Located at mile marker 155 on I-71 Southbound (approximately 35-40 miles north of Columbus), you can find this heinous, ignorant, close-minded billboard. Someone actually spent money on this. What a WASTE of money. Who actually cares who marries who? No one’s bothering anyone. Let people do their thing. All these wacky, far-right morons are all about “don’t tread on me, don’t tell me what to do, fuck masks/vaccines, etc.” Well practice what you preach! Don’t tread on anyone who wants to marry someone of the same sex. Is it costing you money? Are they bombing your corn fields? No? Then fuck right off!

I hope anyone responsible for paying for this billboard dies in a bus fire. Probably the gayest, Trump supporting, self-loathing, racist, homophobic “Christian” in the land. Nothing would make me happier than for someone to graffiti a huge dick over this nonsense immediately!

What To Watch Out for in a Group of Idiots

January 17, 2021


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So the picture below is an FBI wanted list of some of the IDIOT insurrectionist terrorists who stormed the Capitol. Feds are coming for you, dummies! Did you not think you’d be caught clear as day on camera?! These people push all these conspiracies and don’t seems to understand that the government / big tech is watching our every move. IDIOTS! You can’t take a piss these days without someone collecting that data – nothing is private or sacred anymore.

Check who’s got Covid because all but three of these idiots are DUMB hicks. No face coverings, except THREE people. In the middle of a raging pandemic. Hundreds upon hundreds of people mobbing into a government building, maskless mouths open, screaming and spewing virus droplets everywhere! What could possibly go wrong? The majority of these are sheep imbeciles who drank the Kool Aid and are just out of touch with reality. But the real dangerous motherfuckers you need to watch out for are the ones smart enough to know what they’re doing is wrong, and they’re just in on causing terror. The ones taking the pandemic seriously and following science. The dude in the hoodie in the middle of the bottom row gives me the heebie jeebies. How are you supposed to to identify him. Unless there was a way to patch together footage and follow him on video until he gets into a car or takes off a mask. But what if he outsmarts ’em? That right there is your most dangerous person ever. Your friendly neighbor of two years who is neutral AF and never talks politics, but secretly supports the wrong side of history. Maybe I just sound like an incoherent rambler. It’s fine. We all start to decline as we get older. It’s like music – everyone’s early work is usually their peak and most amazing. The economic principle of diminishing marginal utility.

Anyways, these people below have gotta go. LOCK THEM UP! Ten years minimum, to quote our outgoing fuhrer!


PS – one of my buddies signed my third grade yearbook: FirstName, LastName –Anarchist and Terrorist. He was a wicked smart dude. I had to ask mommy and daddy what an anarchist and terrorist was: IN THIRD GRADE and they were like ‘JFC who the hell is our kid hanging out with that he’s asking about this shit at 9 years old!’ It was all a joke back then. Dude had some witty humor and pushed the limits. A harmless kid, just writing absurd things with his not yet developed prepubescent brain – not knowing what would happen in the future. Oh, don’t worry though – he’s on the proper side of history.

But looking back to that phrase… These people in the wanted poster above are the dregs of society. They are truly anarchists and terrorists.